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Author Topic: Media request for sex worker in Aberdeen  (Read 1616 times)


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Media request for sex worker in Aberdeen
« on: 24 July 2018, 09:06:48 pm »
Dear all,

A journalist based in Aberdeen working for the Press and Journal wants to do a follow up story on how things have been for sex workers in the city after Jessica McGraa's murder.

He would like to speak to a sex worker to ask how things have been, do they feel like they can report crimes to police etc. (Understand that they would probably wish to remain anonymous of course and journalist suggested this immediately).

It's something I have been looking into as well, more specifically the lack of response by support agencies, a drop in sex workers attending a sex worker sexual health clinic in Aberdeen and brothel raids.

if anyone who works in Aberdeen would like to speak to the journalist or via me, let me know.

