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Author Topic: Master's Project on LGBTQ+ Sex Work  (Read 6069 times)


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Master's Project on LGBTQ+ Sex Work
« on: 22 August 2023, 12:59:53 pm »
Dear SAAFE members,

My name is Sarah and I'm a master's student at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. I am currently recruiting adults identifying as LGBTQ+ and working in (or who have experience working in) the sex industry for my research on sex work in the queer community. Although I am not a sex worker myself, I am a queer woman with close friends in the industry. I am a staunch believer in decriminalisation.

Participation involves a 1-1.5 hour semi-structured interview over Zoom or MS Teams, entirely flexible to your availability. If you would prefer not do a live interview, it is also possible to answer interview questions over email instead. All personal information will be kept secure, confidential and anonymised before submission/publication. This project has received full ethical approval from my institution.

Unfortunately, like so many master's research projects, I wasn't able to secure any funding so I sadly cannot re-numerate participants for their precious time and expertise. I apologise for this and understand completely if this is a barrier to anyone's participation.

If you are interested however in contributing valuable insights to this project I am extremely keen to hear from you. Please also feel free to email me at to find out more or with any questions you may have.

Thank you in advance for reading and for your consideration,
