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Author Topic: MALE ESCORT SCAM?  (Read 59026 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 29 August 2009, 09:18:06 am »
i paid ?295 back in march this year 2009 and lovely chloe and amy havent called me again. i had called thenm every week for 3 months telling them i had no calls from clients yet! then i asked for my username and password to see if the GK business was real. Chloe said IT dept would be in contact. No contact was made. Now iv ebeen calling them for 4 weeks and all i get is an auto message saying press 1 to speak to someone then i get put on hold between 2 and 3 minutes and get cut off!
Im raging!

However 'raging' you are Ryan, it is not acceptable to telephone members of this forum (ie me) at 2am to discuss your gullibility. Have PMd you.


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« Reply #31 on: 29 August 2009, 10:17:14 am »

However 'raging' you are Ryan, it is not acceptable to telephone members of this forum (ie me) at 2am to discuss your gullibility. Have PMd you.

Is it possible he meant another Amy?


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« Reply #32 on: 29 August 2009, 11:58:33 am »
Is it possible he meant another Amy?

I don't believe he did - Ryan referred to my eight month old post at the start of the thread and was apparently of the belief that I had some sort of burning interest in/query about Golden Knights.

I have advised him of his misapprehension via PM and hopefully have cleared up any confusion  ;D.


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« Reply #33 on: 29 August 2009, 01:18:57 pm »
Is it possible he meant another Amy?

I don't believe he did - Ryan referred to my eight month old post at the start of the thread and was apparently of the belief that I had some sort of burning interest in/query about Golden Knights.

I have advised him of his misapprehension via PM and hopefully have cleared up any confusion  ;D.

In which case I agree. You don't call members on this site unless invited to do so. The numbers on escorts' sites are for (prospective) customers, not random people.


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Re: Cavendish Knights
« Reply #34 on: 10 September 2010, 12:22:43 pm »

I have seen your comment with regards to Cavendish Knights and I must say that I somewhat disagree.

I came across Cavendish Knights in a Google search as I was looking for someone to escort me to a wedding.  With somewhat trepidation I contacted them and much to my surprise they were very professional indeed and since then I have used them several times and so have a few of my friends without any problems at all.

I'm sure like me that there are lot's of women out there who need this service from time to time and there are scams out there who cannot be trusted.


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« Reply #35 on: 10 September 2010, 12:55:24 pm »
Well you may feel that this was worth digging up a thread over a year old for but, a/ nobody is likely to believe you, and b/if you are a punter, you're on the wrong site.

Years of experience and testimony from many, many people who have been ripped off by these jokers and their compadres is far more plausible then some vague posting about how you think social-only male escorting is great, and you and all your friends do it all the time. Why would anyone go to such trouble to find an ancient thread, join a  forum for sex workers and post to big up a company they unless they have some vested interest in it? Sorry, but the Platinum Select folk got in plenty of times before you, and we're pretty used to the MO now.