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Author Topic: looking for students who willing to help with a project  (Read 6023 times)


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #15 on: 06 November 2012, 11:01:13 pm »
No Maria, I meant you carrying out your own research, to include research in your own project is secondary research, as you haven't carried it out yourself. Debates yes, but it couldn't make any actual significant finding, therefore no tangible evidence as such, and therefore could not be cited in scientific journals or government proposals. Furthermore, you didn't even seem aware that you should be going through ethics, which is very worrying in my opinion, when you are going to be talking to people about sensitive issues.

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Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #16 on: 06 November 2012, 11:18:21 pm »
to casey_kisses: i am not trying to formulate the government proposal here and I never said that. I am not a politician. But I do believe that art and social projects can  open debates, discussions and knock to the heads of the people who can do government proposals. I do believe that it is better to speak up than sitting quietly and hoping that someone else will do it for you.
And I am aware that the area is very sensitive for the people and I talked about it in my first lines of this thread.


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #17 on: 06 November 2012, 11:21:27 pm »
Maria, why don't you go into a punters forum and ask the guys who are paying  students  if they mind posing for your portraits? Without them there would be no students going into sex work.  I think it would make a more interesting project. Instead of using women you should try a more "feminist approach" and use men.  You're a woman, please don't reinforce cliches.
« Last Edit: 06 November 2012, 11:23:38 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.

Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #18 on: 06 November 2012, 11:41:26 pm »
casey_kisses: I didn't tell I am focusing on women only. Thank you for advice and let me decide what I am doing for my project. It seems you are trying to blame me of doing cliche work with no knowledge what work I do and having own cliches about artworks. I do appreciate your contributions to the discussion but let it be. best wishes,


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #19 on: 06 November 2012, 11:47:12 pm »
to casey_kisses: i am not trying to formulate the government proposal here and I never said that. I am not a politician. But I do believe that art and social projects can  open debates, discussions and knock to the heads of the people who can do government proposals. I do believe that it is better to speak up than sitting quietly and hoping that someone else will do it for you.
And I am aware that the area is very sensitive for the people and I talked about it in my first lines of this thread.

I never said you did I merely was saying the reason I wouldn't be taking part is because there is no tangible evidence that could be used in this way. Yes art can if course have an impact, I'm not saying it can't, I'm only saying that I would prefer to take part of a more findings based study. Again I didn't say you weren't being sensitive I said that you weren't aware of going through ethics and that concerns me, I have no doubt that you would be ethical but I still believe it should go through the proper channels. Further more you seem to have taken my use of the comment 'art project' in the wrong way, in my current course we call our research 'projects' and not dissertations, so it wasn't meant to insult you!

Also it wasn't me suggesting you change the topic it was Ana...
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Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #20 on: 07 November 2012, 12:12:35 am »
I do apologise that I mixed up your and Ana's names on comments.
Regarding ethics - I am aware of ethical protocols and ethical principles in academic research.


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #21 on: 07 November 2012, 12:26:29 am »
Also it wasn't me suggesting you change the topic it was Ana...

Yes it was me. I didn't tell you to change the topic (the problem of high student fees) but to approach it in a less cliched way than the typical "Girl needs money for ........ (insert your favourite thing) girl tuns into a  lady of the night". It's been done over and over. Hey,  It's one of the media's favourite subject matters! In fact...there's a whole TV serie that has been watched nationwide called "Belle de Jour" based on the real case of a woman who couldn't pay her tuition fees. And this woman's articles were she talks about her becoming an escort to pay her studies are published worldwide. Awareness anyone? And the funny thing is that students fees have raised after all (most probably Cameron did it on purpose after watching Billie Piper's Prada bag on one of the chapters). My point is that if you're going to do a project with the intent of raising awareness of the high student fees you shouldn't repeat what has already been done a gazillion times and try a different  less pc approach that would make it more interesting.
« Last Edit: 07 November 2012, 12:29:41 am by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.

Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #22 on: 07 November 2012, 12:56:25 am »
Hi Ana,couple of comments on your post:
1. of course i am aware of a book and TV series Secret diary of a call girl. Actually tv series looks quite problematic to me (it doesn't say in it that her first reason to go in escort in real life was her PhD), but anyways I dont think it was done well and i think it is quite narrow minded.
2. i am not trying to do another similar project, as it was done before. that is actually my main reason why i would like to meet and talk to people first which can help me to understand better the situation and avoid cliches. this is part of the research for me as well as other parts i do for it (not in this forum).
3. what is interesting that everyone is saying "its been done million times" - but no specify what exactly what has been done. there are lots of projects ( i am talking about art and photography)  done talking about prostitutes as victims, traficing and danger sides of the job. and i am sure there will be more done as it is all about human nature, people themselves and  it is always interested for the people. i am not interested in that perspective, even though i do feel there are thousands people who are involved in danger with no their own will.
 as i think i told in the thread before, i got interested in particular students who involved in sex industry because it's already normal for students to work rather than just to study, students are used unbelievably a lot via interships for free, even though it is about getting knowledge and wish to step up in own educational process, people tend to consider students as cheap or not-qualified labor force. its all became normal to this society. it is not encouraged to be educated. moreover, as soon as it says that student works as stripper, for instance, people get panicing and dont want ot believe it is true. they wiped from their heads the fact that is job as well and it was always there and it will be. it has own routine, it requires certain skills, and it has market. i do believe that all of you who works in sex industry deserve the same respect as any other job. but what is interesting that some academics try to close down the researches on that subject - "lets pretend it doesn't exist". so there is something people are not comfortable with. there are some questions to ask.  that is why i think ihere is still lots of things to say. moreover, with my projects i always found that personal stories can bring me to some other thoughts, ideas and ways of working on the theme. that is why, i do repeat it again, it is important for me to meet people and talk to them.

Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #23 on: 07 November 2012, 01:06:05 am »
to Ana30: can I ask you then (if you are involved in escorting or other jobs in sex industry)- what do you think is important to talk about?


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #24 on: 07 November 2012, 01:31:25 am »
what is interesting that everyone is saying "its been done million times" - but no specify what exactly what has been done.

Articles/programs/documentaries on "Girl needs money for ........ (insert your favourite thing) girl tuns into a  lady of the night".

As per art/photography projects this one comes to my mind now (as I really liked it).

to Ana30: can I ask you then (if you are involved in escorting or other jobs in sex industry)- what do you think is important to talk about?

I can think of a gazillion things But they are all politically incorrect and would never get published/printed cause it's not what people want to hear. But I think that portraits of punters (versus women) is the way to go. You should read the forum carefully (specially the media inquieries section with all the discussions) and it will give you a good idea on what sex work is all about, the problems, cliches and all. But don't drift from your initial subject matter: "students turning to sex work because of high fees". That's what your project is about. "The problematics of female prostitution" is a different one.

Good luck with everything ;)
« Last Edit: 07 November 2012, 11:58:52 am by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.

Maria K

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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #25 on: 07 November 2012, 09:10:59 pm »
to Ana: thanks for the link!  I do read forums and read the carefully. and i do other research too. my question was mostly a throw into the air in case you want to say something about it because you got interested in this thread.
i do believe the theme of female prostitution and students in sex industry cross over even though both of them have different sides and issues. but if you have something more to tell and share - please feel free tgo do so. i am up to any information. thanks


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Re: looking for students who willing to help with a project
« Reply #26 on: 08 November 2012, 11:27:15 pm »
I have helped Jane pitcher and see no reason in not to help maria . it an 30min phone call not the end of world ,so get a grip and help a student