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Author Topic: Looking for student who uses twitter  (Read 5034 times)


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Looking for student who uses twitter
« on: 04 May 2011, 11:35:04 am »
Hello, I am trying to get in touch with any girls who are current students and use Twitter to advertise and rant about the balance of work and uni.
I want to write a feature on using Twitter for sex work and I am after someone who is working while studying at Uni.
Was pointed here by a friend.
Happy to negotiate a fee if the story makes publication.
Send me a message I want to have the story published by Sat May 14.
Thanks ladies.. 


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #1 on: 04 May 2011, 11:36:43 am »
Sorry - probably not the best subject line.


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #2 on: 04 May 2011, 11:45:32 am »
Since the lady posting is apparently doing so on behalf of a newspaper which thinks nothing of outing sex workers to sell its tawdry rag (the most recent example being an elderly lady who had done nothing newsworthy bar coincidentally be related to somebody from a reality TV show), I would urge members to exercise EXTREME caution if even contemplating responding to this. Apart from anything else 'woman works part time while studying and uses social networking' is probably not a story that's going to change the world in its basic, mundane and realistic form.


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #3 on: 04 May 2011, 12:09:20 pm »
Thanks Amy,
I think it is very interesting how social networking is playing into the role. I think the tweets about assignment work juggle make a great read.

Anika Mae

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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #4 on: 04 May 2011, 12:15:54 pm »
This reporter emailed me yesterday and I was going to reply suggesting she ask here (but that she might not have any luck). Since the email contained more information I'm posting it here (without the name and phone number because I'm not a dickhead).

My name is ****, I am a reporter with news of The World and I wanted to talk to someone about the increasing use of Twitter and other social media pages for sex workers. How has this impacted the industry and specifically the safety of the workers.
I am trying to get a story up for the paper this weekend about student sex workers. I have noticed on Twitter a lot of the girls talk about balancing work with Uni assignments.
I would really like to interview and photograph a sex worker who will be able to hold the page for the story i.e. a current student who is a sex worker and uses twitter to drum up business or advertise.
I have been pointed to Saafe by one of the girls I have been following. I would really like to do the story for this week.
Please give me a call or send me an email.
My mobile number is    *******.
Look forward to hearing from you.

OP, I suggest you clarify whether you still want to take photos, and if so whether you'll allow participants to preserve their anonymity. You should also say whether you're planning to pay, because escorts are rarely seeking fame, and I can't think of any reason other than financial for a sex worker to talk to your newspaper.


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #5 on: 04 May 2011, 12:44:17 pm »
Thanks Anika Mae,
I would still like to do a photo shoot and can definitely negotiate good pay.
You can keep your stage name if you would like but would definitely want to do studio pics.
I want to do an honest piece.

Anika Mae

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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #6 on: 04 May 2011, 12:46:56 pm »
I was thinking more about anonymity in pictures. Are you hoping to find someone who will show her face in TNOTW?


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #7 on: 04 May 2011, 01:13:20 pm »
I am putting the call-out on anyone who fits the brief. Some girls might just want to talk for background, others happy to be quoted but not photographed but for the feature to be published I will need at least one student sex worker who uses Twitter in a studio shot. I will also need to see a student card or something to prove you are a student. I want to do a comprehensive piece with as many voices as possible.


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #8 on: 04 May 2011, 03:37:49 pm »
Apart from anything else 'woman works part time while studying and uses social networking' is probably not a story that's going to change the world in its basic, mundane and realistic form.

That's what I said! I suggested: "Scammers Ripping Off Sex Workers, And How To Avoid Them" instead, with a big informative article about how newbie sex workers should contact outreach groups/sex worker forums/etc before starting in the industry (rather than falling into any of the many scammer/pimp/worse traps that lurk everywhere) but I suppose there wouldn't need to be a picture of a student making a sexeh-face accompanying that one. ::)

Seriously, media people. Talk about what we want to talk about, if you want us to talk to you! Titillating the general public with tales of blowjobs between lectures is NOT very helpful. (That sort of stuff goes in our omg-social-media blogs for people to read for free, anyway.)
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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #9 on: 05 May 2011, 05:34:08 pm »
Apart from anything else 'woman works part time while studying and uses social networking' is probably not a story that's going to change the world in its basic, mundane and realistic form.

That's what I said! I suggested: "Scammers Ripping Off Sex Workers, And How To Avoid Them" instead, with a big informative article about how newbie sex workers should contact outreach groups/sex worker forums/etc before starting in the industry (rather than falling into any of the many scammer/pimp/worse traps that lurk everywhere) but I suppose there wouldn't need to be a picture of a student making a sexeh-face accompanying that one. ::)

Seriously, media people. Talk about what we want to talk about, if you want us to talk to you! Titillating the general public with tales of blowjobs between lectures is NOT very helpful. (That sort of stuff goes in our omg-social-media blogs for people to read for free, anyway.)

I'd love to know why they are all so fixated with students? Obviously intelligent, hardworking, financially independent businesswomen who have built successful operations from nothing without qualifications aren't interesting  ::).

Or could it be that they a: assume all students are 18-21 and therefore b: are likely to be far less media-savvy and much easier to bully manipulate into agreeing to things they're likely to later regret? Apart from anything else (and I've not met enough to form any sort of a representative sample) many of the students I've met have been the most vapid, pig ignorant, inarticulate dullards I've had the misfortune to come across. They have mostly been men, mind  ;D.


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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #10 on: 05 May 2011, 09:10:36 pm »
Possibly the fact that the word "student" is enough to get people ranting and/raving about one stereotype or another is why; the media like to encourage that sort of (out)rage over unpopular groups!
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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #11 on: 05 May 2011, 10:10:21 pm »
Indeed. Popular stereotypes in NOTW-land would be largely confined to 'have a go heroes' (and others for whom terms like 'plucky' and 'salt of the earth' could be usefully employed), people who have been in a war (on the proviso they were on the same side as the NOTW) and anyone with tits bigger than their head.

Lushious Louisa

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Re: Looking for student who uses twitter
« Reply #12 on: 06 May 2011, 07:50:29 pm »
Nice work ladies  ;)

I have been a student and escorted but somehow can't see a rag like that representing us savvy ladies in a good light  ::)

Not all WG's do this coz they can't do anything else, in fact most that I know do it coz they enjoy the lifestyle, being able to fit other commitments around escorting while making a good living.

I wonder if the reporter actually knows much about the industry or actually believes all the pathetic stereotypes?

I will wait with baited breath to see this article  :-\