Apart from anything else 'woman works part time while studying and uses social networking' is probably not a story that's going to change the world in its basic, mundane and realistic form.
That's what I said! I suggested: "Scammers Ripping Off Sex Workers, And How To Avoid Them" instead, with a big informative article about how newbie sex workers should contact outreach groups/sex worker forums/etc before starting in the industry (rather than falling into any of the many scammer/pimp/worse traps that lurk everywhere) but I suppose there wouldn't need to be a picture of a student making a sexeh-face accompanying that one. 
Seriously, media people. Talk about what we want to talk about, if you want us to talk to you! Titillating the general public with tales of blowjobs between lectures is NOT very helpful. (That sort of stuff goes in our omg-social-media blogs for people to read for free, anyway.)
I'd love to know why they are all so fixated with students? Obviously intelligent, hardworking, financially independent businesswomen who have built successful operations from nothing without qualifications aren't interesting

Or could it be that they a: assume all students are 18-21 and therefore b: are likely to be far less media-savvy and much easier to
bully manipulate into agreeing to things they're likely to later regret? Apart from anything else (and I've not met enough to form any sort of a representative sample) many of the students I've met have been the most vapid, pig ignorant, inarticulate dullards I've had the misfortune to come across. They have mostly been men, mind
