A few things annoy me about the proposal. But I have to emphasis this first point, I am a normal person, with a normal life I just happen to work in the sex industry, I am not a victim, and have not been forced into my job. I don't think the people who want to bring in this law look at us as regular people leading normal lives, they want to portray us as people with drug/substance abuse problems and/or who have been forced into doing this for a living. We are like any other working tax paying person, it is so important that people outside of the industry realise this point.
If this came into law, how would it affect me?
I would not want to report any attack or assault on me for fear of the police using my address information to arrest my clients, thus closing my business down leaving me in danger. At the moment I would not hesitate to get help from the police if I was in trouble. This law could mean more people attack sex workers as they know they wont be reported.
Many of my clients would avoid seeing me in fear of getting caught, if they are caught seeing me the arrest/fine could appear on a CRB check, if this is the case, I would find a massive drop in income.
I think the stigma against sex workers would increase substantially, and we would be looked down on more than we already are.
I pay a lot of tax in a year and declare all my income and have an accountant, I also spend money with businesses to run my business, condoms/lube/website/accountants fees/advertising, they would all suffer as I would not be spending as much money with them if my takings were down, and this is a substantial amount in a year.
For those ladies with children, how would they fare, would they risk their children being taken off them as seems to happen in Sweden, which must be a substantial cost to the tax payer, also how much would this law cost to police?, more cost to the tax payer.
The majority of sex workers in the UK do it of their own free will. The police already have the laws in place to deal with trafficked women, although lets remember people are not just trafficked into the UK for sex work which everyone seems to be focusing on, how many stories do we hear about men and women bought here to work in various jobs at under minimum wage in terrible conditions in business such as farming/agriculture.
I think at a time when there are many problems in the UK with unemployment/benefit cuts etc., I am totally mystified as to why so much energy is being put into this issue when there are other more important things going on for the MP's to deal with.