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Author Topic: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay  (Read 1419 times)


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Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« on: 03 February 2014, 04:30:36 pm »

I think this might be a slightly different kind of request to most of the ones posted here, so I hope you will bear with me. Sorry in advance if I'm in the wrong place.

I'm a (male) author who has been asked by a British women's monthly magazine to write a feature about modern young men in their teens and early 20s. I can't say exactly what the feature angle is as they would be paranoid about competitors, but it's broadly about attitudes towards women. I could explain more fully via email. The features editor asked me to write it as I've written about men's issues before and they want a men's point of view, but I want to ask various other people who might have an insight what they think too. I wanted to ask on this forum because I wondered if any of posters would be willing to share any views or experiences .

I don't have a massive budget (in the interests of openness my fee is ?700 before tax, and I've allocated myself about ?200-?250 for research, but I do want to speak to at least 3 people) but  I  appreciate people helping should get something out of it, so could pay ?100. I'm  not sure if the best way would be to pay 1 or 2 people, OR if people just wanted to respond I could organise a group email, I could donate ?100 to the upkeep of the site? I thought maybe the best thing to do would be to post this and see if anyone replied to be honest.

I wouldn't need to meet you in person, and could talk via email or phone.  Also if this all seems dodgy in any way I can post links to some of my past work, and could let you know what magazine is and the name of commissioning editor directly.

One last thing to add is, I don't have any preconceived ideas about the subject. So if the answer is "Don't be ridiculous and stop trying to make a story out of nothing because men don't change," that's interesting in itself.

Thanks for reading,



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Re: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« Reply #1 on: 03 February 2014, 04:47:55 pm »
Yes, you're in the wrong place - although we do have a handful of male sex workers here, since their clients are also men it doesn't really cover your brief. I suspect that it's actually punters you're looking for, so you'd be far better trying a punting forum.


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Re: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« Reply #2 on: 03 February 2014, 05:04:22 pm »
Hi Amy, I've not been clear and apologise for that.

It was posters' experiences with/of young male punters I was interested in. What I'm wondering is if the increased availability of porn, or any other modern media, has an effect on them from an escorts point of view.

The reason I ask here is that I think escorts are better placed to see if something is a trend if you see what I mean. I'm trying men as well, but if anyone reads this and would be interested in talking, I'd still be very grateful.



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Re: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« Reply #3 on: 03 February 2014, 06:37:41 pm »
Tried to pm you but you cant get them so do you have an email address at all?
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Re: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« Reply #4 on: 03 February 2014, 06:55:23 pm »
If the OP can't receive PMs then that's odd, but yes, some contact information would be helpful. A proper academic email address will also give you far more credibility than the freebie one you've used to register here.

RB, I would point out that to get worthwhile answers you will need to speak to people who have experienced working both before and since pornography became more freely available (or they don't have any concrete way of knowing how things have changed because they'll only know one side) and I suspect you won't find many of them here. I've been working eleven years on and off and I wouldn't include myself.
« Last Edit: 03 February 2014, 06:58:37 pm by amy »


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Re: Looking for insights for a magazine story, will pay
« Reply #5 on: 04 February 2014, 12:10:38 am »
Dani, yes my email is I'm also on Twitter @_richardbenson. If it helps to confirm I'm genuine, my publishers's author page is here: [removed]
If you were still unsure, I can email you my agent's details and someone there could confirm that I'm genuine.

Amy, I use the freebie email mostly for registering on sites etc just to keep my inbox down really. Thank you for the note about the timespan and your help before, it was kind of you to take the time.

[Link removed - please don't post these here]
« Last Edit: 04 February 2014, 01:27:13 am by amy »