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Author Topic: Liberal Democrats' debate on safer sex work  (Read 1357 times)


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Liberal Democrats' debate on safer sex work
« on: 09 October 2014, 05:40:54 pm »
For the next 25 days, it's at starting at 2h57m for about 55 minutes until the end of the coverage.

The bits some of them want to delete are primarily the bits that say 'no' to criminalising clients, aka what they're now calling the Nordic model.

The proposer isn't, as the caption says, the fabulous Dr Belinda Brooks-Gordon, but Sarah Noble.

Other speakers are...

Kirsten Johnson - needs some education.

Mahmud Henry Rogers - ditto, complaining about 'normalising'.

Matthew Winnington - 'it's not about what we would do ourselves .. (but) to make things safer for people as a whole'.

Jane Carr - almost comes out as something, I wonder what..

Chris Davies - (again not who the caption says) an ex-MEP. It was the Sexual Freedom Coalition who gave him an award, and you can see why.

Dr Moshin Khan - another pro-Nordic.

Jade O'Neil - went to SWOU in Glasgow and clearly learnt something.

Sarah Brown - anti-Nordic.

Dr Evan Harris - sadly an ex-MP, another SFC winner, and fab. "People .. who say .. therefore support the Nordic model are wrong geographically and in terms of policy." :)

Dr Ann Morrison - "it may have taken twenty years, but thank you for updating our policy".

Ewan Hoyle - "so many things wrong with the criminalisation of sex work clients".

Callum Leslie - (on one of the pro-Nordics) "I'm so pleased that you as a man were here to tell us what modern progressive feminism thinks!" Also talks about how Edinburgh and Lothian used to be.

Gabriel Barton-Singer - "even if one were to hold that prostitution is immoral and wrong, one cannot be moral if the state forces one to be moral".

Mark Mann - wants the amendment passing.

Closing the debate, Belinda is as good as ever - "Repressive policing, an infantilization of women, and colonialism don't help real workers." "We end up with people like Mr Grayling deciding who can have rights."

Almost no-one voted to delete the anti-Nordic model bits, and the motion itself was overwhelmingly carried.

(Speaking of Chris Grayling, if you watch this, do have a look at LibDem minister Simon Hughes' speech on civil liberties earlier in the day, starting at 1h27m, too.)
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: Liberal Democrats' debate on safer sex work
« Reply #1 on: 09 October 2014, 07:08:00 pm »
Thanks for the link. Heard they discussed but didn't know the details and outcome.
Well, I now know which way my vote will go  :)


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Re: Liberal Democrats' debate on safer sex work
« Reply #2 on: 09 October 2014, 09:20:42 pm »
Mahmud Henry Roberts seems to have over simplified paid-for-sex.

Offering a service for payment doesn't mean you don't want to offer that service, ie have sex with that person. It means you wish to be paid for it ::). If everyone had sex with everyone they wished to, there'd be a bit of a mess! ;D

Same with any other service or employment.