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Author Topic: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story  (Read 13205 times)


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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #15 on: 16 February 2010, 09:10:05 am »

I came across this forum while carousing through the internet trying to find a group of sex workers' union/group which could direct my research. I'm a Masters student at the LSE, London, girls and may I say that you guys are doing such a great job of making your voices heard over the din (everyone has an opinion about sex work hmmph!) of biased, dismissive, patronising and ignorant opinions. I firmly believe that you don't deserve to be 'material' or 'objects' for any research. I think that you should be setting the agenda, the questions need to be coming from you. Amy I hope you don't mind me stealing that research idea of yours. After months of soul searching and researching I couldn't have come up for a better one. Any comments girls? Any advice? Any guidelines? Anything I should pay attention to?

P.S. I was thinking of earning some money and getting experience making erotic phone calls. I don't know how to apply etc. Any pointers?

Maitrayee Basu.
(Phone number available upon request)

Anika Mae

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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #16 on: 16 February 2010, 11:32:54 am »
Moe, what are you talking about? I don't see any suggestion for a research project in Amy's posts in this thread. If you want to ask how to go about doing some research, start a thread and say what it is you're interested in, what kind of project you're doing, and what help you hope to get.

If you'd like to enter the sex industry yourself, look through the Questions and Answers forum and start a thread there if there isn't already one that answers your questions.


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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #17 on: 16 February 2010, 02:52:21 pm »
I was talking about Amy's second thread where she asks why most female university students don't use sex work as a means to support themselves. I personally find it worthy of full academic analysis. And thanks so much I shall take your advice and start a new thread. Basically my methodology is to let my subjects pick their own issues and define the field the way they want it. So they have more agency. In fact I am willing to let my research subjects come up with an issue which might be more important than the ones I might want to tackle. The view from the inside should be privileged.



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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #18 on: 16 February 2010, 03:49:54 pm »
I was talking about Amy's second thread where she asks why most female university students don't use sex work as a means to support themselves. I personally find it worthy of full academic analysis. And thanks so much I shall take your advice and start a new thread. Basically my methodology is to let my subjects pick their own issues and define the field the way they want it. So they have more agency. In fact I am willing to let my research subjects come up with an issue which might be more important than the ones I might want to tackle. The view from the inside should be privileged.


How dare you put words in my mouth! I said nothing of the kind - I would NEVER suggest that sex work is an obvious or easy choice for 'most' female students, or for anybody else. I believe the quote you are referring to must be this one:

The question IMO, should not be 'why shouldn't young women at university support themselves with a well paid sideline which gives them freedom to succeed in their studies?', but why we are even asking the question in the first place? In other words, why are a group of people doing a particular job newsworthy purely by virtue of doing that job, and what then does the prurient and pervading interest in anything which involves sex say about us as a nation?

Where does it say that I think 'most' students ought to enter the sex industry to fund their studies? If you actually read this properly it asks more about why people like you think we are here to be studied and picked over as if we were another species, purely because of the job we do. I'll thank you not to attribute any more of this spurious cobblers to me - if you want to justify yourself, you will not be doing so off the back of misunderstanding my posts.


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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #19 on: 16 February 2010, 04:47:08 pm »
With all respect Amy, I am not suggesting that anyone should pick any particular career at all. I merely wish to ask if it's an option they might consider and if not, why not. I do retain the sense that it's been said as an answer to a question such as 'why should so and so choose X as their profession?' with the logical answer 'why not?'. Given the stigma attached to sex work in most circles, the stigma operates in varied ways with people from different cultural, intellectual backgrounds. I'm not here to put words in anyone's mouth, that is not my idea of research at all. I just thought it might be an interesting idea to explore since me and a male friend were thinking we should visit gay bars and see if we can market our sexuality and some other friends found the idea ridiculous and laughable. I apologise for offending you.

Having thought about what you and BHoney said earlier about not requiring a spokesperson, that WAS silly of me, what was I thinking. But I think even understanding another person's perspective is a good motivation for a given research. Apologies.


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Re: Ladies Only: Tell Us Your Story
« Reply #20 on: 16 February 2010, 11:47:44 pm »
With all respect Amy, I am not suggesting that anyone should pick any particular career at all. I merely wish to ask if it's an option they might consider and if not, why not

I know that and that was not was I was objecting to. If you read my post again, my irritation was purely with statements and views being attributed to me that I did not make, thus misrepresenting me to others who may be reading. I particularly take issue with your use of the word 'most', which does not appear in my post at all and in this instance was sufficient to completely alter the meaning of what was being said. If you are going to reference statements people have made on this board or anywhere else in the name of serious research, please do it accurately.