I watched that too- it was really interesting and I found myself nodding in agreement at a lot of the things she said throughout.
But, OMG - the bleeding, the long,long hours shooting and travelling , her earlier work, and the bareback....
I found myself wondering "why don't you just be an escort?" after she did a breakdown of costs and it worked out all in as around ?10 or less an hour

she could still do her porn and filming that way, plus she could tour the states too if that's where she dreams to make it big, but also make more money and have more control over the men she has to sleep with... I was literally wincing in pain FOR her when she was talking about her new co-stars huge dick and the blood going everywhere for about 20 minutes and then going on to finish the shoot
Wow, good documentary - yeah, the voice over lady was a bit patronising, BUT she had a couple of good points when she was said jade was contradicting herself, she did seem pretty conflicted imo.
Interesting. But porn is defo NOT for me!
Stacey dooley sex in strange places was good too btw x