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Author Topic: Buying and Selling Sex Debate in London  (Read 1348 times)


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Buying and Selling Sex Debate in London
« on: 14 March 2015, 01:00:53 pm »
Okay, this might not be the right place to post this... - So there's this debate happening in London, if any of you are interested. I can't make it because it's right in exam season. :( 13th May at 7.30pm, ?15 for tickets. Oh and it will be filmed.

I know it's not everyone's thing, I only know about this because an anti-sex work feminist in my university feminist society posted about it, so there is going to be a fairly equal distribution between "us and them", it seems. But I suppose that's what makes a good debate worth debating! There's going to be a bit of buzz about it as the New Statesman are involved...

Anyway, thought some of you around London might be interested if you're the political type. :)