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Author Topic: Interview sex workers for print article for International Sex Workers Day.  (Read 2512 times)


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« Last Edit: 24 March 2015, 05:33:08 pm by docfilm »


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We'll be needing you to provide some more information please; we need to know who are and who you are writing for/on behalf of?

An anonymous post from somebody who just wants to talk to some prossies (and given that our time is money, some idea of what you are offering by way of a fee wouldn't hurt) doesn't really cut it, I'm afraid. Plus you've forgotten to include your contact details.


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I'm a TV producer who does occasional writing. Unfortunately I can not offer a fee but I can buy you a coffee-- or just have an email interview. Sorry, I know everyones time is money and valuable (as mine is), I hope to shed some light and show a point-of-view that's not really seeing the light of day.


Here's my LinkedIn:

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« Last Edit: 24 March 2015, 03:29:18 pm by amy »


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Sorry, I know everyones time is money and valuable (as mine is)

I love that you've added your time is valuable too. We're not asking you to give yours up for free   ;)


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Look, sorry, not out ruffle any feathers!  You're right I am asking for your valuable time and I really appreciate that.  :)


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What perspective is it that you want to show? Anything different to the usual glamour or exploitation ?
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My take is it's a job, clock-in, clock-out. What do you like, what do you hate about it? What are the little things the common person doesn't know about the industry? How does it work? How does one get in/out of it? Are people in this industry using it as a stepping stone? Or is the industry better than where they came from? For example, I read that people from education and charity work are more likely to transition to sex work than any other industry. In the past I interviewed students who worked in the industry to pay tuition.



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PS- I have pitched the idea to several well known magazines and all are interested.

I missed this first time around. You will be paid for your article then. How much does that happen to be? Perhaps you should consider speculating in order to accumulate instead of expecting a free ride.

Instead of being lazy and asking us to hand you all the information free of charge, use the search bar and research the questions you're asking us. You'll find a lot of information that way.

I find it so rude that you're going to be paid for your work but expect us to do the leg work for you.

Look, sorry, not out ruffle any feathers!  You're right I am asking for your valuable time and I really appreciate that.  :)

You should also appreciate that cash, not happy faces will get you further in this world  ;D


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I will make $75 (USD which is ?50) tops. If they don't like the article I will not get paid.

I guess I could google what I am after but then it is not authentic and even lazier journalism that will paint the same ol' picture.

Again, sorry to offend anyone but I have interviewed loads of people in other industries and have never suffered such blowback!


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I will make $75 (USD which is ?50) tops. If they don't like the article I will not get paid.

I guess I could google what I am after but then it is not authentic and even lazier journalism that will paint the same ol' picture.

Again, sorry to offend anyone but I have interviewed loads of people in other industries and have never suffered such blowback!

We get people coming in here asking us to participate in their projects All. The. Time. We get tired of it.


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Fair enough. I understand you get loads of requests. I'll delete this thread, sorry to waste anyones time.


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Since it's up to us - not you - if and when a thread is deleted, locked before you do any more.