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Author Topic: Hygiene  (Read 11705 times)


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« on: 27 January 2009, 09:57:57 am »

I'm not an academic, work in the media or desire to work as an escort. But I have some questions that I'm interested in finding answers to.

1. How many clients do you get per day per week?
2. How do you ensure protection against getting a STD from each client?
3. How often do you get a proper check against STD?

I've read on some escort websites that some women offer services without protection, which includes oral sex and penetration sex (known as bareback, right?) But why would they expose themselves to such a high risk.

I don't know how likely it is, but it is possible for the following:

Client 1 - oral sex without protection - escort gets herpes
Client 2 - same as above - escort gets Clamidya
Client 3 - anal sex without protection - escort gets HIV

Why on earth would women expose themselves to such danger? are they women that are generally into escorting due to past abuse/drug use?


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #1 on: 27 January 2009, 10:10:28 am »

1. most escorts will get between 2 and 12 clients a week, some more, some less. It depends on a huge range of issues which you will begin to appreciate if you read through the main site in its entirety.

2. By being aware and taking the precautions one makes an informed choice to take.

3. Lots of girls go every 3 months, some more often, some less often.

For answers to your scenarios, read this

To educate youself re your perceived "danger" again, read
« Last Edit: 27 January 2009, 10:13:56 am by Trafford »

Little Diamond

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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #2 on: 27 January 2009, 08:00:18 pm »
Oh dear, we aren't all "crack Ho's" you know!! its a very stereotypically and patronising view!


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #3 on: 27 January 2009, 08:08:39 pm »
Lol yes, I would like the add, that the average girl out on the town is far more likely to put her self in these high-risk situations, than the average escort. Anyone with something up top (n I'm not talking boobs) would take the necessary precautions whether escort of not.


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #4 on: 27 January 2009, 10:44:26 pm »
As Lauren said any WG with some sense realises that she has an increased risk to exposure to STIs, that is why responsible ones will research all aspects and made the informed choices Traffors mentions.

Regular check ups, protected sex including anal and for a number of us oral (which is considered low risk) is a must and I believe I speak for all of us that we will refuse to see someone who requests bareback, even if he says it's ok and he'll wear a condom.
As said before the woman who goes on a night out, gets drunk and wakes up in a strange place is at much higher risk than we are.

Also to point 1, herpes can be transferred through simple skin contact and you could actually get it by touching someones coldsore on their lip (maybe accidetally by wiping your childs nose) and then touching your genitals when going to the toilet.

point 2 Yes you can get gonorrhea, syphillis and chlamydia from unprotected oral in your throat, but the disease needs a point of entry, if your mouth, gums and throat are in good health there should be a very low risk.

point 3 any form of unprotected sex can transmit HIV, not just oral and using protection is the answer.

There are a number of maybe desperate women/girls out there who will take risks due to addiction, force, debt or just want a quick buck and are pretty stupid in my opinon, but that is their choice and you won't find them on here. We are all intelligent, selfreliant, clued up women, who made an informed decision to use the godgiven assets, skills and talents we have to run our own business. It just happens our bodies are our commodity and together with our intellect are a very marketable product. To have a successful business we have developed computing, marketing, researching, accounting (we pay taxes like everyone else), social, acting, entertaining and sexual skills and look after our mental and physical health probably more than most.

This may be a bit strong, but forgive us if we get a little fed up with this stereo typing and the assumption that we don't understand the risks.

In your defence I have to say that at least you seem to be making an effort to find out more about us.

Can I please ask what made you want to know more and how you found us?

« Last Edit: 27 January 2009, 10:53:38 pm by cassie »
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #5 on: 28 January 2009, 09:01:46 am »

In answer to your question, I think I mentioned in the motivation thread that I am here to find out more about how this all works as at times I have been tempted to use an escort service, but have been put off by the idea that it is high risk in terms of contracting a STD and also that women are coerced or drug users. Afterall, why would I go to see an escort for some affection if she feels she is being raped or hates me?

As to how I found this site I really cannot remember. In fact I found it once and the next day had trouble locating it again. I think I was searching for some research on escorting, but cannot remember that exact search I used in google.


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #6 on: 28 January 2009, 11:51:31 am »

In answer to your question, I think I mentioned in the motivation thread that I am here to find out more about how this all works as at times I have been tempted to use an escort service, but have been put off by the idea that it is high risk in terms of contracting a STD and also that women are coerced or drug users. Afterall, why would I go to see an escort for some affection if she feels she is being raped or hates me?

If you want to find out more about using prostitutes you would be better off on a punters forum. Sorry, but it's true.

Prostitutes are normal women who have lots of sex - the handing over of money does not somehow turn us into Typhoid Mary. I had almost as much sex before I was a prostitute - I just wasn't paid for it and was far less responsible, yet you are telling me you think I was less of a risk then? Surely you can see how preposterous this blinkered stereotyping is?

If for whatever reason she hates you (and banging on about her being diseased will not stand you in good stead), you will never know about it; she will just not see you again and if you do not intend going back this surely cancels itself.

I can't even be bothered to answer the trafficking/druggie stuff again - believe what you want. You will anyway. As I said before - if I was spending my hard-earned on drugs and alcohol, what the f*ck has it got to do with you?

Do ANY of us sound like victims? No, thought not.

Little Diamond

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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #7 on: 28 January 2009, 11:02:16 pm »
It seems you are morbidly drawn to the idea of using an escort,but all your "research",""stipulations","stereotypes",etc,etc, etc, lead me to give you this piece of advice- go and get a  regular girlfriend . 


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #8 on: 29 January 2009, 12:50:55 am »
Oh, better check she isn't after a guy to support her firstly and that she has had a check up at the GUM clinic - yourself too.


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #9 on: 29 January 2009, 07:16:25 am »
Oh, better check she isn't after a guy to support her firstly and that she has had a check up at the GUM clinic - yourself too.

Thats going to be an amazing chat up line   ;)


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #10 on: 05 February 2009, 10:29:41 am »
LD I have been thinking that whilst reading RHs posts.

Isnt hiring an escort a no fuss way of having some fun and company for a while. Putting so much work into it is pointless. Get a girl friend!


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #11 on: 08 February 2009, 10:58:34 pm »
LD I have been thinking that whilst reading RHs posts.

Isnt hiring an escort a no fuss way of having some fun and company for a while. Putting so much work into it is pointless. Get a girl friend!

Lol, you'd think so.  :)


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #12 on: 09 February 2009, 08:43:54 am »
RH, I am sure from the replies that your post has elicited, the ladies and gentlemen on this particular forum, are not taking your 'innocent' inquiries too kindly. Society really has to get over the 'crack-ho' stereotype of prostitutes. It is a comfortable idea to have that we are doing this under duress, but fact of it is, WE LOVE OUR JOBS!!!! At least I do. I like going condom shopping, and lingerie shopping, and traveling the world, because of working as a PROSTITUTE! I and all the ladies on here call the shots! You may wish to rethink your position, change your user name, pretend you didn't ask such asinine and simply insulting questions, go away, learn some manners and when you return behave as if we are equals.


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #13 on: 12 February 2009, 06:27:53 am »
As I said before - if I was spending my hard-earned on drugs and alcohol, what the f*ck has it got to do with you?

Do ANY of us sound like victims? No, thought not.



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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #14 on: 12 February 2009, 06:42:09 am »
You may wish to rethink your position, change your user name, pretend you didn't ask such asinine and simply insulting questions, go away, learn some manners and when you return behave as if we are equals.

Sometimes the sight of someone having their face dumped in a toilet bowl full of shit is hilarious!  :D But what can one expect?

I know Im late coming to this and I read it once but for some reason didnt put my 2 cents in. Not to add much to what the others said I think Researchers 2nd post was a bit insulting and high incorrect. Highly. That person says they are put off from hiring an escort because of getting an STD? If thats not a slap in the face to anyone on an escorting forum or what? And like someone mentioned, better off to ask someone on a punting forum. If anyone thinks that having casual sex with a stranger for free instead of an escort; will be safer off from STD's; emotional issues, or drug issues has no idea. Our health is our well-being and I've known enough people outside of work who do lots more crazy shit for free...Cant tell you how many 'casual' encounters I've run into that probably wouldnt put up a fuss if I decided not to bring condoms.

Take it from a ho who knows  :D
« Last Edit: 12 February 2009, 06:44:00 am by JoeyR »