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Author Topic: Hygiene  (Read 11704 times)


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #15 on: 02 July 2010, 01:01:29 am »
I hate the stereotype of WGs being druggies, single mums or just hollow shells of human beings.

I am a teacher, got qualifications and ambitions, but I like earning decent money for getting regular sex - and what is wrong with that???

I do not do drugs at all, yes I drink and smoke, but did those things years before I started this work. Admittedly it is hard not to get sucked into the world of drugs because of the money we earn, and drugs do get introduced to us. I have had a few clients offer me coke or pills, but I just say no.

Most of the girls I work with are kind, intelligent and take life with a pinch of salt. Maybe more people should be like this in this world.


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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #16 on: 12 July 2010, 11:08:51 am »
Why to girls put themselves at risk?

1. Ignorance
2. Because they think it'll be ok
3. Because guys ask and/or offer extra money

The 3rd is the most interesting because a lot of guys do ask for unprotected intercourse. I've had 2 such requests in the last couple of weeks via email along with another asking for reassurance that I DON'T ever offer that. Take a look at AW and you will see a high proportion of reverse bookings specifying BB as essential. I would think desperation comes quite some way down the list after all the mixed signals from clients.

Are we all drug addicts?We are normal people like anyone else with normal people's problems. Did you know that professionals such as Solicitors, Doctors, Accountants, High flying businessment are highly likely to suffer from substance abuse?Yet we never see their roles stereotyped. Fair enough if you are an addict who has lost everything then working the streets is going to be about the only job you can do, but it doesn't mean everyone who is in this line of work does is soley to support an addiction. Quite a few use it as a form of empowerment and because they actually enjoy entertaining men as well as running their own business.

For me the best bit was gaining control over my life after mainstream society left me feeling useless and just another small cog in a large machine.

Miss Bond ;)

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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #17 on: 16 July 2010, 12:36:59 pm »

In answer to your question, I think I mentioned in the motivation thread that I am here to find out more about how this all works as at times I have been tempted to use an escort service, but have been put off by the idea that it is high risk in terms of contracting a STD and also that women are coerced or drug users. Afterall, why would I go to see an escort for some affection if she feels she is being raped or hates me?

If you want to find out more about using prostitutes you would be better off on a punters forum. Sorry, but it's true.

Prostitutes are normal women who have lots of sex - the handing over of money does not somehow turn us into Typhoid Mary. I had almost as much sex before I was a prostitute - I just wasn't paid for it and was far less responsible, yet you are telling me you think I was less of a risk then? Surely you can see how preposterous this blinkered stereotyping is?

If for whatever reason she hates you (and banging on about her being diseased will not stand you in good stead), you will never know about it; she will just not see you again and if you do not intend going back this surely cancels itself.

I can't even be bothered to answer the trafficking/druggie stuff again - believe what you want. You will anyway. As I said before - if I was spending my hard-earned on drugs and alcohol, what the f*ck has it got to do with you?

Do ANY of us sound like victims? No, thought not.

I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

Anika Mae

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Re: Hygiene
« Reply #18 on: 16 July 2010, 01:10:19 pm »
Guys, this thread is really old and I'm sure the original poster isn't reading. You're preaching to the choir at this point.