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Author Topic: Human Trafficking Policies  (Read 2753 times)


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Human Trafficking Policies
« on: 17 August 2010, 05:44:54 pm »
Hi all,

I'm currently doing my Masters in Research in Anthropology and my fieldwork project seeks to collect baseline data to unravel how the current British anti-trafficking policies and legislation are affecting the ?lived realities? of sex workers in London. This is with particular reference to how the 'Policing and Crime Act' and other legislation affect risk taking behaviour, i.e. through the geographical ASBOs etc.

As such, I am looking for women in the sex industry to very informally interview/chat with for my dissertation. I will, of course, compensate you for your time and all conversations will be strictly anonymous and confidential.

I live in Islington but am willing to travel anywhere within zone 1-4 to meet informants.

Look forward to hearing from you.
« Last Edit: 17 August 2010, 06:10:11 pm by LIVI »


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Re: Human Trafficking Policies
« Reply #1 on: 19 August 2010, 11:01:24 am »
I can see this is not getting a huge amount of positive reaction....

So more generally I'm looking to informally chat with women about their experiences of working in the sex industry and if you have seen a change in policing in the last year or so.. I will, of course pay you for your time and all discussions are strictly anonymous.



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Re: Human Trafficking Policies
« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2010, 11:17:26 pm »
Hi LIVI - I couldn't really help you personally as I live in Scotland. One thing I would ask though, is what exactly is it that you are looking to discuss? I think it's highly unlikely that any escorts present here have been trafficked or are under duress or coercion in doing what they do - so what real material could we provide you with? Just a brief outline of our working lives?

And over and above that - why would you need a face-to-face interview? Couldn't you always get in touch with escorts and find out if they'd be willing to chat over the phone for so many minutes on your topic? It would likely mean less inconvenience for both parties. Sure, you couldn't verify the precise individual on the other end of the line - but neither could you verify if someone you meet face-to-face is who they say they are.

And also beware that when you say you'll compensate escorts for their time - some are rather cynical of such offers, and will ask essentially for you to compensate them at their usual going rate for that time spent. I personally wouldn't mind chatting to someone with an academic interest in the sex industry for a small payment for my time - if I actually had something worthwhile to share with them on what they wanted to know - but I speak only for myself, and I don't think I can help you.

Best wishes.

Alexa Shelley

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Re: Human Trafficking Policies
« Reply #3 on: 27 August 2010, 04:55:22 pm »
Hi Livi, I waned to reply to your post as, having recently graduated myself, remember all too vividly the stresses of writing the dreaded dissertation. I think the lack of response to your post is perhaps due to this site (in my opinion) not being the best place to source participants who have experience of people trafficking or immigration law breeches. You will find the majority of us are law abiding, tax paying business women and men.

I can recommend you read 'Stop the traffic' by Cherie Blair. I recently read this book and it has a chapter dedicated to the topic in which you are interested in conducting your research.

If you wanted to know anything generally about work in the sex industry I'd be happy to share my experiences with you. However like headgirl I am not London based and have never had any dealings with the police, although government policies do of course affect everyone.

Good luck with your dissertation.

« Last Edit: 27 August 2010, 04:59:31 pm by Alexa Shelley »