Hey everyone,
I'm conducting a small bit of research for a report that is to be integrated into a wider briefing ran by the Global Network of Sex Work Projects. It's about HIV & STI Testing Policies and Practices around the world. My part is obviously for the UK! I'm currently seeking sex workers that would like to participate in an interview (roughly half an hour at most, preferably over the phone). The questions surround your perception of sex worker's involvement in procedure at GUM clinics, perception of stigmatisation when getting tested, the biggest obstacles preventing sex workers from getting tested, and even practical things like what happens at your GUM clinic when someone gets a positive result.
All info will be kept confidential (names etc. aren't necessary and won't be recorded if given) but you must provide some form of contact in case the research coordinators would like to get in touch with you for more clarification - so I'd suggest using an anonymous number or throwaway email that you have access to.

If interested in helping out, either message me on here or text 07871527632 - please don't call as I'm also a full-time student and almost definitely won't answer most of the time, but I will respond to you and set up an appropriate time for an interview.
This is quite an urgent request - the report needs to be finished by Friday - so the sooner the better! Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try my hardest to get back to you.