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Author Topic: High Earning Escorts - For Real?  (Read 2012 times)


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High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« on: 13 October 2014, 01:52:53 pm »
Somebody forwarded me this article the other day...  [link removed]

I've only been doing this job about six months, but my first thought is, '$900 an hour? $80,000 a month? I call BS!' But then again it is America. After reading this article's been messing with my head. Some points make sense - to make money you have to spend money - but when she goes into the bits where she talks about being the perfect women...Erg. Well not sure I would want to be that kind of escort, but maybe I've been doing this all wrong!

Curious to see what the saafe thinks - especially our American counterparts on here.
« Last Edit: 13 October 2014, 04:06:16 pm by amy »
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.


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Re: High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« Reply #1 on: 13 October 2014, 01:58:49 pm »
I think that speculating about how much other people are earning when nobody bar them can ever possibly know the answer is a complete waste of my time, so I don't do it. To be fair, I'm not the slightest bit interested which makes that far easier.

I can't really see where this can go given that we will be keeping it general and not discussing identifiable people, but I'll leave it unlocked for now. The best way to find out how much other people are charging is to get on some directories/search engines and have a look, but obviously that's not the same as how much they are actually earning. Then again, nor is the above article, because the writers don't know either :).


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Re: High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« Reply #2 on: 13 October 2014, 02:32:07 pm »
Yeah, okay. Maybe going the money angle was the wrong way to go as it's all speculation, but tells you a lot about the author that she wants to brag about this. But guess I'm still curious what people think of how she runs her business and manages her lifestyle.
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.


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Re: High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« Reply #3 on: 13 October 2014, 03:08:35 pm »
[inappropriate personal remarks about other sex worker removed]

The other thing I wondered is if prices are generally higher where it's illegal?
« Last Edit: 13 October 2014, 04:07:24 pm by amy »
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« Reply #4 on: 13 October 2014, 03:13:01 pm »
I would think very few girls earn that type of money, especially here in the UK where we have the VAT threshold at ?81,000, over that and you have to start charging 20% VAT, and there is no legal way around it.

It looks more like a fantasy fiction site to me, but good luck to anyone that can make that kind of money.


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Re: High Earning Escorts - For Real?
« Reply #5 on: 13 October 2014, 04:19:04 pm »
Well that'll teach me to check what had actually been posted - I'd assumed it was another version of Ye Olde Very Expensive Prossie Prices list that always seem to be doing the rounds rather than anything that could be linked to an individual person. Lesson learned, and link removed.

Yeah, okay. Maybe going the money angle was the wrong way to go as it's all speculation, but tells you a lot about the author that she wants to brag about this. But guess I'm still curious what people think of how she runs her business and manages her lifestyle.

TL, we don't pick other sex workers and their ways of working/charging/advertising themselves apart here, particularly when they're not here to participate in the discussion themselves. How this woman manages her business and most especially her lifestyle is no business of anybody's and is completely irrelevant; there is nothing helpful or constructive that can come of this type of discussion and personal remarks about identifiable individuals are not appropriate here (as demonstrated by the fact that I've already removed three quarters of one post).

Anybody wanting to post about prices being proportionate to illegality (or whatever), please start another thread.
