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Author Topic: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research  (Read 6260 times)


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Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« on: 16 February 2010, 03:15:55 pm »
Hello ladies,

I am 21 years old and am doing my Masters in the London School of Economics and want to research sex work and attitudes to sex work and workers and related issues for my dissertation. At the moment the question is not very well defined at all because my methodological stance is to let my subjects pick the issues they consider should be talked about. I was considering entering the sex industry myself to do some good ethnography involving participant observation but I am not sexually active yet and have 1001 issues regarding my sexuality,which I am willing to discuss if anyone cares to ask. I could maybe work as an escort or erotic phone calls when I am relatively freer.

In any case, my paper will emphasise the importance of letting sex workers have control over their working conditions, rules, laws, ethics and status. I also feel that since my project is about giving you voice rather than me dictating the research issues, I will let you have your say about what should be talked about. I have already got this idea from a lady here called Amy (thank you!) about asking female and male university students why they don't enter the sex industry to earn money to pay for their expenses.

So you raise the issues and help me finetune them into something that is doable for my current project and let me do the legwork and be your spokesperson in the bastion of academic knowledge and perhaps someday policy making.

P.S.: If this note or anything I have said here offends anyone here, please put it down to my ignorance and correct me promptly.

Thank You.

Maitrayee Basu.
(Phone number available upon request)


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #1 on: 16 February 2010, 04:00:14 pm »
If this note or anything I have said here offends anyone here, please put it down to my ignorance and correct me promptly.

let me do the legwork and be your spokesperson in the bastion of academic knowledge and perhaps someday policy making.

*opens popcorn*


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #2 on: 16 February 2010, 04:08:40 pm »
Ermm, did that sound too pretentious, lol? Sorry.


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #3 on: 16 February 2010, 04:23:14 pm »
Ermm, did that sound too pretentious, lol? Sorry.


Last I tried I could still speak for myself - and along with quite a lot of other ladies we certainly hold post graduate degrees ourselves.  There appears little difference in an aspiring politician and already serving ones when it comes to being patronising.  I suggest unless you enter the actual profession you leave the 'voicing' to us.  Too much is already written on our behalf by those who never been in our shoes.  Maybe once you are done with the dissertation perhaps you could embark on your next project, such as reinventing the wheel?


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #4 on: 16 February 2010, 04:32:10 pm »
Blush and sorry!


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #5 on: 16 February 2010, 06:21:02 pm »
I totally appreciate that there is a huge interest in contemporary and historic prostitution.  There is a morbid fascination by many especially on the outside looking in.  I am just getting a little wary of the high number of ?studies? or ?research? into the industry.  Often it makes me think of some Gary Larson cartoon character of a chubby kid with thick glasses inspecting and dissecting an insect under a microscope with the motivation and results of many of these studies being at best pointless and at worst totally distorted and/or misused for various political ?crusades?.  There really isn?t anyone exclusively qualified to be a voice for escorts etc because our circumstances can vary so wildly across the whole industry.  There might have been once a ?golden? time ago when being a temple prostitute was an honourable and highly respected endeavour although the cynic in me things someone even back then benefitted from sacrifices made to enter some ?holy union? to honour some goddess or other.  The fact is that while there always been high ranking courtesans and maitresses ? their social standing was always complicated and they may have still been ostracised by the society at large despite their riches and powerful influence.  I doubt any dissertation will lift this stigma and alter mainstream perception.  But I frankly am not as concerned about social acceptance as long as I can legally continue to tout my wares.  The reality is that I profit from the Puritanism and attitude of many, especially women.  The husbands of those matrons are some of my best clients!       


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #6 on: 16 February 2010, 06:59:18 pm »
There might have been once a ?golden? time ago when being a temple prostitute was an honourable and highly respected endeavour although the cynic in me things someone even back then benefitted from sacrifices made to enter some ?holy union? to honour some goddess or other.  The fact is that while there always been high ranking courtesans and maitresses ? their social standing was always complicated and they may have still been ostracised by the society at large despite their riches and powerful influence.       

The history of prostitution is fascinating stuff. Dunno about things ever being golden - as you say, Honey, it was not always for the benefit of the woman. Being unfortunate enough to be female has usually, throughout the ages, meant you've got to be a wife or a whore in order to have a hope of supporting yourself and your children and perhaps even getting a smidgen of respect from people (as a wife, not a whore). Not to get too negative about it all, though - women have always been able to make the best of a crappy situation. And nowadays, in this feminist utopia we live in (/sarcasm :P) we have something quite unusual and new - the ability to make our own choices! It's so new that it's really confounding society and the media, apparently. Perhaps we should just knock up some leaflets with super-simple bullet points on and hand them out. "Have you met a woman before? Did you notice her doing things like, A) Working in a real job that she's highly qualified for and/or generally good at and enjoys doing? B) Paying her own rent and bills? C) Spending her own time and money however she pleases? If you answered yes to all three, consider yourself invited to a tea party."
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #7 on: 16 February 2010, 07:00:37 pm »
Hi Moe and welcome to SAAFE, I'll ramble a bit.

I think acedemic research that focuses on the positives of the business is a good thing. There is a lot of negativity around the place for the politicians to pick up and beat us with.

How about some research into why politicans still persist in tarring us all with the same brush despite an acknowledgment in the Paying the Price document that indoor sex work - the sort to which you refer re setting our own rules etc - is a very different business to trafficking/drugs blah blah. Of course its about votes but how is that myth allowed to perpetuate to the cost of girls who do this job of their own free will/to fund further education. Maybe something around how this job can enable girls to pursue acedmic excellence but ironically could potentially thwart the future career being studied for due to general poor attitudes and ignorance. Belle de Jour seems unaffected in her current career despite the call girl background becoming public knowlegde - how has she achieved that where others in similar circs have been driven out?

I assume you know of Teela Sanders from Leeds uni who does a lot of work in the area - if you dont you may want to have a chat with her as you may be able to do something whcih can be fed into one of the PHD projects she is supervising:

This is the Paying the Price document which the current Government commissioned:



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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #8 on: 16 February 2010, 07:52:27 pm »
Thanks Trafford, that was very useful info. I was actually going to use the theoretical framework about the functional regulatory power of the whore stigma (Gail Pheterson has a fantastic book called The Prostitution Prism). I am not silly enough to think that most women in this profession are forced or drug addicts or victims. I also think that 'the whore' is not just a profession (as it rightfully should be) the stigma attached to it permeates and every woman is suspect to transgressing the rules. However, Pheterson says that the reflexivity between the woman prostitute and male client is 'unequal' and I am a bit cautious about accepting that.

Maybe I don't have the 'right voice' to speak about this. Then again maybe one day I will. Representation of a view doesn't mean that the group being represented are less independent. It merely means that the researcher felt that the group was under-represented. I know there is so much literature on sex work over the centuries. It's daunting. But I want to find a maximal objective view of this cultural norm and how it functions.

I was looking at the historical angle. The temple 'prostitutes' though they wouldn't agree with the term - 'devdasis' were the highest form of cultural performers. They were talented dancers, poets, singers, much like the Japanese geishas. But meanings change over time and I am suspicious about the writers who claim that the 'prostitutes' in India were culturally accepted. They were certainly rich, relatively independent and a part of the public life, more than can be said for most other women. Anyway, just my interpretation of this.

Trafford thanks so much, I find  this link really useful. I will certainly contact her. Thank you for your kind help and welcome.


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Re: Help/Guidance for Masters Dissertation Research
« Reply #9 on: 16 February 2010, 09:25:50 pm »
To be honest the academic bits go over my head but I dont see a problem with a non-sex worker doing such a project so dont worry too much about the representation issues.

Just on the subject of devadasi, there is a one-time infamous escort who claims to be such:

Good luck with it all.