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Author Topic: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites  (Read 31798 times)

Ms Ellie

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #180 on: 29 December 2018, 07:03:00 pm »
Does anyone know what’s happening with this? X


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #181 on: 06 March 2019, 07:03:25 pm »
We are in the uk we don't have Fosta /Sesta laws
April 2019 or around that time is when the survey by Bristol Uni goes back to the government for further consideration

It's almost April now. Will they outlaw porn sites too in the future? [press link removed - don't post these here]
« Last Edit: 07 March 2019, 12:20:38 am by amy »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #182 on: 07 March 2019, 09:29:51 am »
It's almost April now. Will they outlaw porn sites too in the future? [press link removed - don't post these here]
They can’t outlaw porn  sites just get them blocked asking as you have a VPN you can still get on them
India outlawed all porn site and porn hub just put a mirror site on a different ULR
I did the government survey and got an email back a few weeks ago to say they were collating all the info to writing there report to give to the government.
Once the government has got the report it will take several months to look at it and do anything so nothing won’t hr happening yet


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #183 on: 07 March 2019, 02:57:03 pm »
I don't understand why they are doing this as most internet providers make you verify your age for adult sites. Surely they could tweak that to make it a blanket request from all providers for all adult sites instead of bringing out a new verification platform x
GG x

Pretty Pink

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #184 on: 12 March 2019, 01:44:19 pm »
Iv just read on my news app that from 1st April people will have to prove their age when accessing x rated sites. It’ll be interesting to see how this effects aw and other sites that are centred around service advertising. I know if I was a client I wouldn’t be overly impressed giving all my details.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #185 on: 13 March 2019, 02:52:40 pm »
This :

'' has been age-verifying members automatically since 2015.  If you have purchased credits via SMS, credit card or PaySafeCard then you are already age verified and your browsing experience will remain unchanged.  Similarly, if you are offering services and have achieved Verified Member status then you too will see no change.

If you have not age verified yet, we would invite you to do so without delay to ensure an uninterrupted browsing experience.  You can age-verify quite simply via this page.''

Pretty Pink

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #186 on: 13 March 2019, 06:32:42 pm »
This :

'' has been age-verifying members automatically since 2015.  If you have purchased credits via SMS, credit card or PaySafeCard then you are already age verified and your browsing experience will remain unchanged.  Similarly, if you are offering services and have achieved Verified Member status then you too will see no change.

If you have not age verified yet, we would invite you to do so without delay to ensure an uninterrupted browsing experience.  You can age-verify quite simply via this page.''

A lot of my clients don’t have a profile though they just pop on, grab the number and call.

One of my regs deleted everything cause his wife found an email from aw and he would never dare make another one, others Iv seen have said that was great, it’s a shame I can’t leave you feedback. There will be hundred other reasons why others don’t and won’t have profiles

jasmines world

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #187 on: 18 March 2019, 07:20:27 am »
 Ladies please read this...

I urge everyone who is involved in the adult industry to write to their mp and protest about the new laws that are to take force on April 1st 2019.
I believie this is an attack on an adults privacy  not only are people being forced to use this age verification  and  it  could be open to hacking which will worry many people.

If you dont own a credit card you actually have to go into a shop and buy a porn card to access ! There are many people talking about this[redacted]

There are many messages on this thread saying it wont affect you as AW age verify that might be the case but I beleive this is just a spring board to banning porn look at the USA no webcam girls or escorting services on line now! I urge you to act now !  It takes minuites to look up your local Mp .  If you want to go further also write to the Margot James Minster for web safety at But I also urge you to contact your Mps as a matter of urgency this Bill has been rushed through .

AlsoSend your concerns to Jeremy Wright MP, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.Email:
If you need some ideas to put in your message read this about the concerns about privacy. With enough letters of protest ladies we could make a difference we arent we have a voice here use it please because one day like in the USA you wont have one! . There are enough safeguards in place for monitoring children on the internet and blocks without going to these extremes.

[Unnecessary links removed/redacted, some formatting corrected]
« Last Edit: 18 March 2019, 01:53:04 pm by amy »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #188 on: 18 March 2019, 04:13:24 pm »
Sorry to sound thick but can anyone give me any advvdvon what to write in my email with regards to the above post
I am more than happy to write to my MP and the other people mentioned in the post but not really sure what to write

jasmines world

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #189 on: 18 March 2019, 11:40:19 pm »
Hi Paris  sorry I have searched the internet for a template to copy to make life easier for everyone but nothing sadly. I put something along the lines that I totally object to anyone in the uk who chooses to watch porn having to hand over persoaI data having to be verified for online porn the government are bringing in a law/regulation on porn sites which require UK citizens to be aged verified which means the requirement of personal data being handed over to the sites, the government need to make sure that each and every site complies with UK laws on data privacy because if they do not and some porn sites get hacked and personal data of UK citizens get into the hands of hackers, .If they dont own a credit card they have to purchase a "porn pass" from a shop !!   I also stated   how the  thought this would work is beyond me. This law will be overturned the minute there is a major breach of the database on one of these porn websites that leads to people’s identities being stolen and misused.
This is surely censorship  if so why are they hitting porn sites and not extremist terrorist sites such as those promoting the IS and thugs being targeted?

, it is not the sites fault that children can access them, it is the fault of the parents for not controlling what their children are doing BUT rather than blame these irresponsible parents, the government and children's charity groups blame the porn industry for not making it more difficult for children to access their sites. For years software companies have built software that integrates into web browsers to block access to porn sites. There is even 3rd party programs you can buy that block porn sites but yet again, rather than blame the parents for not using these resources and monitoring what their children are doing, people blame the porn industry, which has now ultimately meant that the huge majority of responsible, law abiding citizens will now have to give up their privacy if they want to watch porn.

Freedom and democracy is being over ridden totally and is a vast invasion of privacy.

I hope this helps somewhat if you need anything else please message.  I have had to quickly get this on as they are rushing it through for the 1st April and they have only just printed the full detials of what they propose in the media. if you want any more info please message..The yahoo forum is very informative and there are many comments (the link is in my last message) on there at least 400 stating there disgust at thsi proposed new law. People are outraged on this snooping and i believe just quest for data by the govenment. I hope you will fight this ladies i honestly  believe we could go the same way as the USA no webcams  online those ladies have lost their income !  no escorting online  this might just not affect you now and seem small  but it may just be the start be heard please while you have a voice.
« Last Edit: 19 March 2019, 09:07:40 am by jasmines world »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #190 on: 19 March 2019, 12:07:48 pm »
The yahoo forum is very informative and there are many comments (the link is in my last message)

Not any more, because we don't allow links on the forum and the rules make this clear. I've left a couple of the targetted urls, but if you want to direct people to the likes of yahoo or any other non-specific/press site you can do it by PM.

jasmines world

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #191 on: 19 March 2019, 01:04:11 pm »
Apologies for the link to the comment section in yahoo for the discussion of the public not knowing about the new porn laws.I will not post any more links .
Kind Regards


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #192 on: 19 March 2019, 03:48:40 pm »
Reading Adultworks blog written on their site in December, you will only have to age verify to view pay to view content such as private gallery's and films, people will still be able to browse the site and look at escort profiles without verifying.

I don't think any of this would be happening if it was not for the free porn sites and American free to view webcam sites making it so easy for kids to view porn. I am just glad for the moment that those of us that have our own websites advertising our services don't have to do this.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #193 on: 20 March 2019, 04:58:06 pm »
Reading Adultworks blog written on their site in December, you will only have to age verify to view pay to view content such as private gallery's and films, people will still be able to browse the site and look at escort profiles without verifying.

I don't think any of this would be happening if it was not for the free porn sites and American free to view webcam sites making it so easy for kids to view porn. I am just glad for the moment that those of us that have our own websites advertising our services don't have to do this.

I read it that if you ( an escort ) and you haven’t self certified that your pictures on your profile page and free gallery isn’t suitable to be viewed by someone who hasn’t verified that they are over 18 then they won’t be won’t be able  to view properly    ie no titts /ass graphic stuff on the profile. Any photos that have that will be pixelated / blurred

  the only people that can view in full  it will get those who have verified they are over 18

So guys who haven’t verified that they are over 18!will  be able to those profile that have titts /ass photos on the profile / free gallery page / self certified but those photos will be blurred

« Last Edit: 20 March 2019, 05:17:38 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #194 on: 20 March 2019, 05:46:02 pm »
To be honest I've found the AW feedback thing less and less reliable over the years as AW has gotten more popular, perhaps. When it started it I found the feedback system pretty reliable in ascertaining who would be a good reliable client, now I find it as unreliable as anything else, email, phone booking, whatever. So in some ways if it means fewer men using the login booking form and just browsing and using the phone to call and book, on that front at least, I'm not too concerned. Notwithstanding that the whole 'feedback' thing works against is in many ways more than it does for us. A guy can get some bad feedback and just delete and set up a new profile, no biggie, for us there are bigger potential implications . Thats if I am understanding this correctly, if the law changes you'll need to age verify to login, or just to pay for porn? I guess that does mean possibly fewer PG credits but I've noticed (as have others) they've taken a huge hit in recent years anyway.