What about doing a program on the men who use our services as a way of coping with boring marriages, loneliness and intimacy issues? For a change . I mean..if it was not for them we wouldn't be doing this.
But - but - but - then where would the sexy girls doing sexy naughty things fit in?! Whoever heard of an intelligent, insightful television programme about men? Who would be able to wank/get outraged (and probably later have a secret wank) to that?! Goodness, Ana, you must think about these things.

In seriousness, I'd be really interested in a programme about the client's side of "prostitution, escort or sugar-daddy-sugar-baby-relationship"; insight into clients can only help our business, after all! And there's so little objective research into why men purchase sexual services - it's always simplified into either "healthy men PHYSICALLY REQUIRE sex at all times therefore prostitution" or "all men are broken therefore prostitution", and neither of those explanations match up with reality as anyone with half a brain can see.
*becomes researcher, does own study, wins a Nobel prize*