I saw it. I think it's ridiculous. And if they try to bring it here I will literally do everything I can to protest it. And I'm not one for protesting!
Without this job I wouldn't have been able to get through university, start new hobbies and do so many things. I wouldn't have met really great people who have helped me and I wouldn't be able to have explored new job paths. the fact that it isn't illegal has made my life ten times easier. Someone tried to threaten that they would report the fact that I'm an escort to the police I actually laughed so hard and told them please do.
Criminalising customers will be terrible for customers. Pimps and bad prossie's will suddenly have the power to say to clients, "if you don't do what I like I will report the fact that you've seen an escort to the police" like why does that seem like a good idea to anyone.
As long as men have penises they will never drive down demand! That's just the truth. They'll just push it underground and create a whole new set of vulnerable people.
If they want to stop trafficking they need Harsher trafficking laws! Criminalise all the pimps/brothels! Drive down hard on them! Make it easier to report trafficking and being forced into prostitiution. Give vulnerable prostitiutes witness protection if necessary. Then make prostituion a less attractive option. Raise the minimum wage, make education free so people don't have to pay for it. Debt forgiveness. Help with housing. That sort of thing.
Like who makes these laws.