My name is Jane Pitcher and I am doing research for a PhD at Loughborough University, entitled Prostitution, diversity and sex markets: an occupational study of indoor sex work in Great Britain. I have been conducting research with sex workers for several years prior to my PhD and am also a member of the UK Network of Sex Work Projects.
My PhD research aims to explore the terms and conditions of work in indoor occupations in the sex industry, such as parlour work or escorting, so I can gather data on the working environments of female, male and transgender adult sex workers. I would also like to find out how sex work compares with jobs in other sectors where participants have experience. My aim is to ground my research findings in participants? experience and knowledge in order to develop a greater understanding of sex work as an occupation.
I am seeking participants working in indoor sex work to take part in interviews between July 2011 and December 2012. The interview will take approximately one to two hours. The research has been approved by Loughborough University?s Research Ethics Committee. Each participant will receive a ?15 voucher to thank them for their time. All information provided will be treated in strict confidence.
I am based in Coventry, but can travel to other areas so will be able to meet you at a mutually convenient location. If you would like further information or wish to discuss the research further over the phone please let me know.
I do hope you will be able to participate in my research. If you are interested in taking part, please get in touch with me. My contact details are:
Email: J.Pitcher@lboro.ac.uk
Tel: 07944 970151
You can also find further details about my background and previous research I have undertaken on http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ss/staff/research_students/pitcher.html