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Author Topic: Escorts THE Series - new, real TV series - major UK network CASTING NOW (London)  (Read 14808 times)


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Hi all,

A brief introduction, my name is Faye James and I am an escort (you can view my website at [removed]. You can view the series website at

Escorts is a character-based series set inside the world of mid-to-high-end escorts. It follows their lives and loves, their friendships and rivalries, their passions and problems!  The series will be centered around five or six main characters: strong, beautiful women ? think Sex and the City but with a little more sex and a little less city. And, of course, real.

This is not an expos? or a name-and-shame piece of tabloid journalism. It?s a sexy, stylish, cinematic show designed to capture a world about which many have secretly fantasized.

The production team is headed-up by multi award winning Executive Producer Simon Andreae (lots about him on the site/a quick Google will reveal much more). I am working with Simon and the Escorts team helping to research and access the industry (we really want to create something that is a true, good representation of our world).  I also plan to feature prominently in the series.

We are currently casting for escorts, clients and others involved in the industry

Have a look at the website and if you are curious or would like to be involved please get in touch!
This is a fabulous opportunity for out, open, happy escorts to build a brand or business within, adjacent to, or outside the industry.  It is also going to be crazy good fun! 

We are hosting an informal casting party on:

Thursday 26th September 2013
central London

Would love to see you there (you can add yourself to the guest list on the website) and are available to take calls/emails/answer questions or meet before hand.

Looking forward to meeting equally vibrant escorts soon (it will be fun ladies)  ;D



020 3151 3803

Follow us on twitter: @EscortsSeries

Link removed.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2013, 08:11:10 pm by amy »
Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

020 3151 3803

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Er, I think there's some confusion here - the people on this forum are sex workers, not actors. Out of interest, how much are you offering people (who more than likely can't act) to out themselves on national television, bearing in mind that most of them ordinarily command fees of ?100+ per hour without taking anything like these sorts of risks? Don't forget to take into account the fact that they will almost certainly lose their businesses and put their personal safety and that of their families at risk - we don't benefit much from being easily recognised.

Either way, if you continue to spam the forum you will be banned and your thread removed. I also suggest you read the Sticky at the top of this section.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2013, 06:12:08 pm by amy »


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My apologies Amy, I realise now I posted this in the wrong forum categories before I got to the media related forum.  Won't happen again, wasn't trying to SPAM the site I promise.

With regards your other points...

I too am a sex worker, not an actor.  We don't anyone to act, we would simply like to hear from escorts that are happy and already 'out' about their work that would like to enage in the project as themselves in a real way.  We do not want to 'out' anyone on national TV or otherwise, promise  :)   

Please have a little look at the site [removed] i hope it goes someway to dispel raised eyebrows... There are FAQs on the site about the earnings/opportunity...
My personal site is [removed], really am an escort just like many posting on this site

Thank you


Unnecessary links removed.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2013, 06:22:22 pm by amy »
Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

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Many of us are 'out' to people we know, and even reasonably casual acquaintances. There's a hell of a difference between that and being recognisable in the street, at hotels we may work from, to neighbours, landlords and so on.

As I said, please do tell us how much this TV company is offering people to put themselves and their families at risk like this? And for Christ's sake stop posting the same bloody links over and over again - we're prostitutes, not goldfish.


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With regards your first point, yes there is a difference between being out to friends, family and casual acquaintances and choosing to be out about escorting on TV... quick story from my personal perspective...

I was initially very reserved about the idea but agreed to float the idea past a few 'girls', among them adult actresses who also escort.  The couple of girls approached are 100% out as porn stars (appearing in MANY DVDs/websites) but felt they could not possible go on TV as an escort. 

Firstly, absolutely understand the position.

Secondly it got me considering the stigma around escorting, I personally found it upsetting that fun, vibrant women that are often on film, being paid to have sex feel they cannot be open about escorting... and then I had to reconsider my position on the subject... and here I am, looking to find other women that, for their own personal reasons (which will certainly differ from mine), would like to be involved in making something real, something likeable and something representative of the industry (at a certain level ? around independents and empowered working girls).  For those that don't want to be involved - that's, naturally, fine.

With regards your second point - on earnings... Production FAQ as follows:

Q:Will I get paid for being in the show?

A:You will be paid a small fee, representing your loss-of-earnings for the period in which you are being filmed and are therefore unavailable for work.

We are not asking escorts to film for free.  There will be a process of discussion/negotiation and loss of earnings will be covered/rates agreed.

Finally, I have just read your sticky and particularly note the section about concepts that might ?work?. 

We are looking to contact clients and do something from that angle as part of the series. 

Would also like to point out that this is not a production company with a set agenda but a collaborative process. The input of escorts and others, such as SAAF, will do much to determine the format of the series.

It would be great to talk more about things you think could work?
Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

020 3151 3803

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I had a read of their site because I fancied a laugh. I found they were so generous to offer a 'small fee' to cover any lost work whilst working on their 'project'. I don't think a small fee is going to cut it as many of us earn triple figures per hour....

Oh and they expect you to appear naked and to perform sex acts on camera!  :o

sweet jane

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Fayes 'escort' website seems to be constructed in exactly the same format as the one for the 'new, real, TV series' ....I wonder why that is?


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Firstly, absolutely understand the position.

With regards your second point - on earnings... Production FAQ as follows:

Q:Will I get paid for being in the show?

A:You will be paid a small fee, representing your loss-of-earnings for the period in which you are being filmed and are therefore unavailable for work.

We are not asking escorts to film for free.  There will be a process of discussion/negotiation and loss of earnings will be covered/rates agreed. would have to be very unsuccessful escorts that would have the time for your joke of series.
Take care, play safe and sane !


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Fayes 'escort' website seems to be constructed in exactly the same format as the one for the 'new, real, TV series' ....I wonder why that is?

Probably because she's not actually an independent and therefore doesn't need a proper independent site, so this one will have been hastily cobbled together (extremely hastily, by the looks of things) for the sole purpose of promoting this TV series. There are links to the third party operations where she can be found, so let's not dwell on it any further - there's only so much free publicity somebody needs, and since it's not really relevant I've removed the link from previous posts.


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The websites are harmonious because I am working on the project.

I can only apologise if my posts have upset/angered members of this forum, certainly was not the intent. I am an escort but I never claimed to be working independently - I work via a couple of agencies because it suits me (my lifestyle/commitments) at the moment.

Your thoughts/feelings received loud and clear...

What could you get enthusiastic about?  What could work?
Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

020 3151 3803

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Not blithely expecting people for whom privacy, discretion and anonymity for themselves, their clients and their nearest and dearest is generally of the utmost importance to perform sex acts for a pittance whilst fully identifiable in some tawdry television programme would work very well for me. Absurd barely scratches the surface.

Not treating perfectly ordinary women doing an extremely mundane and ordinary job like circus animals in order to grab prurient ratings - LOOK!!! Real HIGH CLASS Prostitutes that wear Fancy Lingerie and Shoes to suck off men in hotels!!! - whilst not appearing to have any idea or concerns about the potential repercussions (for their livelihoods, if nothing else) would also be good. This forum is aimed at newbies, a significant number of the members here have not worked in the industry for long, and if you are seriously suggesting that this is a good way to get a long and prosperous career in prostitution off to a flying start, you must have a screw loose.

I don't speak for the forum though obviously, just from the POV of somebody with ten and a half years experience and a fair degree of success, none of it arrived at by parading myself, my clients or (God forbid) my family on television.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2013, 08:39:36 pm by amy »


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Thank you Daisy for a constructive reply

a) We understand that in many cases, escorts will not wish us to approach any of their clients or friends / family and of course it is not a prerequisite that they be involved... On a personal level I will be approaching people around me (outside the industry) but totally understand that many will not want to broach the subject

b) Also understand that the format presented is challenging, accordingly the level of involvement will vary depending on the individual.  I stress that we envisage a collaborative process and working with contributors to show them at their best, in a manner they are happy with.

Personally I want to shine a light on our world/work.  I am not ashamed of it and would like to share it with others without glamorising it and without needless sensationalism. In a nutshell my experience of the industry is that it can be difficult but ultimately rewarding (on many levels) and I sincerely hope the concept  - wanting to air the world of escorting - is not flawed. 

Personally I think it is inevitable that someone will make this series - there is so much on the internet now that the industry is ever more accessible. Is it not better to be shaping what is produced rather than reacting to it after the fact?

We want to work with others in the biz to arrive at something real that we can be proud of... so, any ideas about how to show working girls that are happy and choose sex work as a vocation warmly received.

Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

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No way would I even consider this.
I know I would lose business, my clients rely on discretion, they wouldn't want to be seen with an outed sex worker. (This goes double for "high class" escorts) They have relationships (personal and/or business) that would be destroyed.

I understand you may wish to decrease stigma but the nature of prostitution in most cases requires a certain amount of identity protection to be successful. I would be surprised if you got many genuine sensible applicants. I could be wrong?

You would need to pay a lot for loss of income and career or find a way to protect identity.

You may have to get real life stories from escorts and use actresses. Make it a drama series.
« Last Edit: 06 August 2013, 09:22:37 pm by WeeScottishlassie »


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I have 12 years exp in the industry too, I was 18 when I started and I absolutely agree that this is not something for those new to industry.  It is for wgs who are out and happy about being out.

I don't boil my sex work down to performing sex act for a pittance.  For me there is so much more to it - yes we have sex with men for not as much money as we would like but it also allows us to study, travel, volunteer, raise children etc etc etc...
Sex work has let me do all sorts of things I would probably have never done otherwise and I would love to show escorting as it is, pretty much as you put it ?perfectly ordinary women doing an extremely mundane and ordinary job?. For many of us that perfectly ordinary job is also the gateway to lots of interesting life experiences and people outside the industry are curious and that is why it could make good TV? It is an opportunity to show just how ?normal? we/our work is/show us at our best and not make a circus of escorts?

In terms of repercussions... it was a hurdle for me to overcome before I said yes.  My POV,

  • I trust the production team.  It is headed by an Exec Producer that doesn't need to make a name for himself as he is already established - he doesn't need to go down the sensational expose route.

    Accordingly I trust it will be sympathetically produced and will succeed in doing the above and the scope for open hostility will be minimal.

    Exec Producer is available to talk to and a quick google will show just how many shows he has produced/senior positions for reputable companies held etc.

  • If it does get an awful reception, that is a chance I am willing to take because I believe this show will get made by someone and I would rather be involved in shaping it than not.  Also I think it will be lucrative for those involved (beyond being paid by the hour to cover loss of earnings) and I genuinely want to share what is (to us) a perfectly normal environment to be living/working in that others, outsode the industry, are interested in/curious about.

    I am going to be in this show, I am not suggesting anyone do anything I would not do myself.

  • I am of the opinion that a show featuring working women that are happy and empowered by their work, look great and are normal people will do significantly more for their livelihoods  than negatively impact upon them.  My POV only of course.
Best wishes

Escorts THE Series production team

020 3151 3803

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    • I should be updating this instead...
I know I would lose business, my clients rely on discretion, they wouldn't want to be seen with an outed sex worker.

Yep. And escorts who go undisguised on TV are potentially outing every client they have ever had.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."