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Author Topic: Escorts THE Series - new, real TV series - major UK network CASTING NOW (London)  (Read 14803 times)


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I believe this is a good opportunity for any escort who:
 a) Doesn't give a sh*$T about being outed.
 b) Wants to go into show business.

Nothing wrong with the above but she's reallly going to need to make it big in show business as her escorting days will be over once her face gets plastered in the media and the bus stops. Otherwise once her 15 minutes of fame are gone she'll have to look for another job and being recognized as "the ex hooker who was in that reality show"  is truly not going to help you in the civvie job market (au contraire). i can totally see someone who wants to make it big in the porn industry signing for something like this, or someone who wants to become a "reality show type" (jodie marsh comes to mind) and do the big brother, survivor island etc.. There's certainly some cash to be made in the reality show business circuit.

Definately not for me but each to their own I guess. There's been quite a few outed sex workers who moved on into successful careers as writers, screen writers, sex columnists, fashion designers, sex educators etc... so who knows, you may become the next Katie Price and next thing you know is your "hooker brand" is designing panties with pockets for condoms. Stranger things have happened.

« Last Edit: 09 August 2013, 09:15:10 am by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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So who knows, you may become the next Katie Price and next thing you know is your "hooker brand" is designing panties with pockets for condoms. Stranger things have happened.

^^ that cracked me up!

To me, on the surface it could possibly be a good idea. Realistically? I work for the nhs full time and escort part time. as thrilling as I'm sure my story would be to others, my career would be completely destroyed. What woman would want that prossie off tv as their midwife? Besides, they want women who live the belle du jour lifestyle. my escorting money funds my rent and a few nights out. I cant even tell you the last time I bought lingerie from anywhere but primark or had a client who wasnt a stereotypical common cheapskate who called me "baby" and lasted 30 seconds in the bedroom. Literally.


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Another thing to consider when outing yourself, would the tax man.
Brooke Magnanti - who despite paying every penny owed was hounded after she became famous. Very stressful for her and totally unfair but this is how it works.

Good luck for those who feel the fame is worth it but I also think it's disingenuous to say an escort going into this is doing it for the good of others and to reduce stigma.
We have wonderful brave Ladies doing this more effectively such as Laura Lee.

We may be whores but they need to look for fame whores.


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Good luck for those who feel the fame is worth it but I also think it's disingenuous to say an escort going into this is doing it for the good of others and to reduce stigma.
We have wonderful brave Ladies doing this more effectively such as Laura Lee.

I actually think that outed WG's help to reduce social stigma a lot -from  TV "Belle de jours" to brainy American stripper autobiographies etc...- But of course it all depends on the lady in question "grey matter". Someone like Magnatti or Tracy Quan are good role models because they break that prostitute-drugs-brainless-junkie  cliche but then you get all these tabloid/reality show types (Heidi Fleiss comes to mind or so-and-so who slept with X football player and is now in Big brother) feeding the dumb bitch "loose woman" cliche.

To the OP: Don't be so naive thinking "I'm signing up for this because I will meet people I wouldn't have otherwise met, learn about stuff and broaden horizons etc.. etc.." (your own words). Keep in mind that if you go into a reality show your performance will be edited to the programs convenience turning you into whatever they want: the slut, the crazy bitch, the gold digger or the "hooker with a heart of gold". You will be a puppet in their hands. And I don't care if the exec producer is your ex-client, your boyfriend or a recipient of numerous awards here or in LA: you will have no control of your "TV persona".

Just be careful what you get yourself into. And good luck. It might lead on to something "bigger and better". Hey, who knows  ;)

(pd: Just a silly question: Are you one of the producers (or getting a cut)? Otherwise why would you be wasting so much time trying to convince us of the "wonders" of participating in reality shows or have such an avid interest in "recruiting" hookers???)
« Last Edit: 09 August 2013, 12:20:30 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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I actually think that outed WG's help to reduce social stigma a lot -from  TV "Belle de jours" to brainy American stripper autobiographies etc...- But of course it all depends on the lady in question "grey matter". Someone like Magnatti or Tracy Quan are good role models because they break that prostitute-drugs-brainless-junkie  cliche but then you get all these tabloid/reality show types (Heidi Fleiss comes to mind or so-and-so who slept with X football player and is now in Big brother) feeding the dumb bitch "loose woman" cliche.

I would say 'out' rather than 'outed', but I agree to some extent - my objection to trash like this is that it's cynical, tawdry, sensationalist rubbish which doesn't do us or the industry any good, rather than it being a bad idea per se; I spent half an hour on the phone yesterday being interviewed by a producer from a completely different programme which actually sounds good (and is being funded by a real TV channel too unlike this one, as far as I can make out). But there are ways to be positive, open and honest about your work without ever appearing on TV - the two things are not dependent on each other. There are conferences, debates, protests and all sorts of other things people can do without being at the mercy of agenda-pushing TV producers.

pd: Just a silly question: Are you one of the producers (or getting a cut)? Otherwise why would you be wasting so much time trying to convince us of the "wonders" of reality shows or have such an avid interest in recruiting hookers???

To be fair, that's really none of our business. I suspect it's more likely that the programme won't get made if they can't find anybody and therein lies the OP's problem, in terms of scuppering her apparent quest to get on as many daytime TV shows as possible while it lasts.


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As has already been suggested I agree that using real escorts for research and getting actors to appear in the series would be the only way this could work. I've always said to my escorting friends that something like that would be quite good, we would've made great tv when three of us were working from the same flat, one minute in pyjamas drinking tea, the next all stockinged up ready to greet a client, 3 of us giggling at the intercom when the client cant work out what buttons to press. What I think would make it good is showing the agency politics, bitchiness, sisterhood attitude, the emotional ups and downs, worrying about being outed (ie when agencies don't blur your pics enough, having fallen out with someone who knows), the panic when work goes quiet, the escorts reactions to their reviews/seeing themselves being discussed on escorting forums.


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As has already been suggested I agree that using real escorts for research and getting actors to appear in the series would be the only way this could work. I've always said to my escorting friends that something like that would be quite good, we would've made great tv when three of us were working from the same flat, one minute in pyjamas drinking tea, the next all stockinged up ready to greet a client, 3 of us giggling at the intercom when the client cant work out what buttons to press. What I think would make it good is showing the agency politics, bitchiness, sisterhood attitude, the emotional ups and downs, worrying about being outed (ie when agencies don't blur your pics enough, having fallen out with someone who knows), the panic when work goes quiet, the escorts reactions to their reviews/seeing themselves being discussed on escorting forums.

So, er, Secret Diary again then?


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Er, no.. The concept of this proposed show is following a few escorts, not just one, and I was merely suggesting a few points of what I have experienced and would like to see portrayed if this were to go ahead.


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Er, no.. The concept of this proposed show is following a few escorts, not just one, and I was merely suggesting a few points of what I have experienced and would like to see portrayed if this were to go ahead.

Well I stand corrected - I didn't watch it because it was unmitigated shite, but I thought there was more than one character. I do know two genuine (working) ladies who were involved in writing it.

However if you read the the OP's second post after I suggested the same thing, she clearly states that the 'concept of the show' is to use real prossies and not actors, so either way it's a non-starter as far as they're concerned.


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Oh my god are there really such idiots out there !?!?!? Completely crackers. What a waste of pixels!
*** I can resist everything but temptation***


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i think the show might work...cos i remember something similar was on t.v a while back -
it was U.S reality show of tht legal brothel in las vegas..i cant remember wht it was called- it showed the girls working and clients and the owner's relationship with the girls the was
At the end  of the day it all depends how the producers portray the chosen escorts for the show.


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You mean the Bunny Ranch and this isn't the same from what I can see.


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    • I should be updating this instead...
There's more than one legal brothel in Nevada, and they're all at least a certain distance from places like Las Vegas.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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The law is Nevada is that legal brothels can only be in counties with a population less than 10,000 ppl, (think thats right, slight hangover, its around that number) this means that everyone local will 1. know you are a sex worker already, and 2. Its unlikely that you are a local.

Hugeky different from a UK TV show where people will be outed to their communites. Cannot see this working, even tho I wish it could.


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You say further back that you don't mind neighbours curtain twitching BUT you work for an agency probably out of an agency flat so do not have to worry about your Landlord being contacted and you being evicted which will and often does happen to escorts when their neighbours find out what they do.  For you this sounds ok for us to put ourselves through?  Do you realise how hard it is to find a decent apartment to work from?  Obviously not.  Then again how could you when you say you have been in this industry for 12 years but your age is down as 26?  If you are happy to lie like that then why on earth should we believe anything you can say?

You say you want to show the boring, mundane, fun side but also want to show the destructive side to this industry, I was sat waiting for that,  Another escorting ruined my life show

As for clients they expect discretion at all times.  Do you think they will trust us when not only are we on TV outing ourselves to all and sundry we are also filmed having sex with clients.  They will be too scared to come through our door incase some form of secret filming is going on.

This has not been thought out at all and any girl who does do this may well find she raises her rates but will also find almost all her regulars disappear.  As those who have been around a while know the regulars are our bread and butter and keep us busy during the quieter months and also mean we don't have to keep taking on new clients which in turn lowers any risk to ourselves considerably.

a woman I know was outed last year, her friends and family knew but strangers in the street did not.  Once they did she found herself being abused in the street, she was physically attacked on a few occasions as, in their words, she was all that is wrong with humanity and another who called her a husband stealer, her home was spray painted with whore, prostitute etc and her car had its windows put through many times.  It came to a head when petrol was put through her letterbox and set alight.  She was moved by the police to a refuge a few hundred miles away and now lives alone nowhere near family or friends all due to being outed to everyone else. She is now isolated  from everyone she knows  and has to try to rebuild  her life again

This is the attitude of many people in civvy street and yet you try to say that it will be wonderful for us if we appear on YOUR TV show.  You really are insane if you believe that none of us would be put through the same.  We are looked down on as the lowest of the low by society in the main.  New people reading what you are putting may be foolish enough to believe what you say but I hope for their sakes they read everything else that genuine Indies have put so they realise just what a bad idea thi really is.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact