From the ECP - Event this Tuesday

Decriminalisation of Prostitution ? the evidence3 November 2015, Committee Room 11,
House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, 11am-6pm
Allow 20 minutes to get through airport like security.
All welcome, no registration needed.
This evidence gathering symposium comes at the request of MPs for well-referenced, easily accessible information on prostitution. It takes place in the aftermath of Amnesty International?s recent vote in support of decriminalisation, and its call on governments to review the prostitution laws and provide resources in the form of ?state benefits, education and training and/or alternative employment? to help sex workers leave prostitution if they want.
International speakers
Jenn Clamen, Stella, Canada, co-ordinator, Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform ̶ 2013 Supreme court ruling which struck down the prostitution laws.
Catherine Healy, New Zealand Prostitutes Collective ? 2003 Prostitution Reform Act which decriminalised prostitution.
Liz Hilton, Empower, Thailand ̶ impact of criminalisation and forced rehabilitation on sex workers.
Pye Jakobsson, Rose Alliance, Sweden ̶ Sexk?pslagen law which criminalised the buying of sex.
Rachel West, US PROStitutes Collective, USA ̶ opposing racism in trafficking policy and discrimination in victim compensation.
Other evidence from
? Dr. Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Birkbeck University ? Calculating the Number of Sex Workers and their Contribution to the Non-observed Economy in the UK
? Andrew Boff, Conservative member of the London Assembly ? 2012 report, Silence on Violence: policing of off-street sex work and sex trafficking in London
? Dr. Colin Francome, Middlesex University ? public opinion polls on prostitution
? Pippa Grenfell, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ? The Health Harms of Sex Work Criminalisation
? Dr. Kate Hardy, Leeds University ? The Mainstreaming of Lap Dancing
? Carolyn Henham, Advice and Support Worker, Basis Sex Work Project ? impact on sex workers of austerity and the feminisation of poverty.
? Dr. Jay Levy ? Lessons of the Swedish Model and the Criminalisation of the Purchase of Sex
? Lisa Longstaff, Women Against Rape ? the impact of criminalisation on women?s safety
? Dr. Nicola Mai, University of Kingston ? Migrant Workers in the UK Sex Industry and the Impact of Criminalisation in France and the UK
? Georgina Perry, Open Doors ? the policing of prostitution
? Dr. Teela Sanders, University of Leeds ? Violence against Sex Workers and Issues for Internet Based Sex Workers
? Dr. Erin Sanders-McDonagh and Dr Lucy Neville, Middlesex University ? Service Provision for Street Based Sex Workers
Representatives from
Amnesty International
Green Party
Hampshire Women's Institute
Labour Party
Liberal Democratic Party
Release drugs project
Royal College of Nursing
Scottish Nationalist Party
Sex Workers Alliance Ireland
The English Collective of Prostitutes is a network of women who work or have worked in different areas of the sex industry ? both on the streets and indoors. Since 1975, we have been campaigning for decriminalisation, safety and for financial resources and other support so that any of us can leave prostitution if and when we want. In 2006 we initiated the Safety First Coalition which includes the Royal College of Nursing, Women Against Rape, church people, anti-poverty, drug and prison reform campaigners, residents from red light areas, and many other concerned organisations and individuals.
English Collective of Prostitutes
Crossroads Women?s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town, London NW5 2DX
020 7482 2496, 07956 316 899