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Author Topic: DUP and Conservatives working together could be a bad move for us.  (Read 1875 times)


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Just thought about how DUP and Conservatives working together could affect Sex Workers, DUP are in favour of criminilising sex workers and from what I remember May seems to have  the same way of thinking, Northern Ireland is already a difficult place for WGs. Im not looking forward to their merging and I could kick myself for not voting, this will be a lesson learnt to prioritise my time and make sure I make more time for important issues such as voting.


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Well there isn't any legislation currently being proposed which could directly affect sex work. I think the chances are she'll go as leader anyway and we could end up with another election.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Well there isn't any legislation currently being proposed which could directly affect sex work. I think the chances are she'll go as leader anyway and we could end up with another election.

Hmm Currently being reassuring but also concerning at the same time, as we know things can change at any time as it has and always will, I would love to believe we could have another election, I think the fact she keeps talking about how close the brexit deal is will keep her in place .She has used this as a scare tactic the whole way through her campaign.


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Tempting as it is to derail, threads here need to stay sex work related. There are other forums all over the internet collapsing under the weight of general political discussions as we speak for anybody who wants to join in :).


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The post is sex work related, because if DUP decide to push forward their policies to England, which they can if they help conservatives stay in government, they could potentially make sex work as difficult as it is Northern Ireland,  its quite difficult to discuss this without discussing the campaign and the outcome or our hopes for the outcome, as nothing is quite certain yet


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I'm well aware of that LH, but as VC says there's nothing ongoing to discuss and that wasn't what your post above was about. If it can stay on topic then fine, but if you want to make general points then there are plenty of other places to do it. A polling station would have been a good place to start.


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Loool so right Amy


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There are definitely threads here about when the law was changed in NI which we can find, and we have posters from that part of the country too. I'm not that familiar with the wording or how easily it could be expanded or transferred to the rest of the UK but either way they have far more pressing things to keep them busy for now, thankfully.

I'll also just leave this here for those who are (rightly and understandably) concerned:


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I believe right now the government has "too many pans frying" (if you get my drift) Brexit etc... I believe sex workers are very very low in their to-do-list (crosses fingers).
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.