My name is Jess Campbell-Plover and I am a final year fashion student at the University of Glamorgan, Cardiff. I am currently doing my dissertation, exploring clothing and dress worn by people working in certain areas of the sex industry in the UK. A key aim of my research is to find out about the relationship sex workers have with their work clothing. I am also looking at what can make dress ?erotic? (clothing that is worn to portray or arouse sexual desire). I am comparing and contrasting the opinions, views and experiences of people who work within the sex industry and people who don?t.
I have created a questionnaire which is available at
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qgHx5Y4lt4QBWTyQ1lmxGiJ07yTt3zOOoZ0e2rbZXZE/viewformIt would be a great help if you could fill out the questionnaire, all the results shall remain anonymous.
Please read all the information above the questionnaire. Answers to the questionnaire will be analysed by me and written up in my final year dissertation. Findings may be used within the final dissertation only, marked by a tutor and a second marker.
I am also interviewing a small number of people and looking to include some images of clothing that people wear to work. So if you would be interested in being interviewed or sending me some images of your work clothing please email me at 11014202@glam.ac.uk. Again, this shall all remain anonymous.
If you have any further queries about this you can contact me at: 11014202@glam.ac.uk
Thanks for your time