Sorry, I should have been more specific in case someone out there gets inspired by my call to fight for freedom.

A. By no means do you ever get cosy with the media (evil. Necessary, but evil, if only through their curiosity), but then tacks, carpet or otherwise, are not advisable either. You give them false name, false age, false location, you DO NOT give them any personal information, be it work name, contact number, e-mail, place of birth, shoe size or your rates.
B. Anything I ever did (media wise, that is) was done through the organisations mentioned above by Emily Jones, with a member of the organisation present (except for one occasion but there were plenty of others present as it was a group chat) to look after you and the way the conversation with the journalist is progressing, stopping you if necessary to avoid you saying something that will show ALL of us in a way we do not want.
C. You do not go around looking for it and offering your media services - soliciting is still illegal in this country

You get contacted by your organisation with the description of the project they are working on, and you take it from there if you're comfortable with it. They will only offer you something you are suitable for (considering your age range, way of working, etc) and if you want to hide your face/ change your voice, it's all possible.
It's great that we can help each other and be there for each other, virtually or in person, but what I'm trying to say is do we have to hide from the rest of the world? Raising sex work awareness in this country (thank you, Emily) is what I'm talking about and I really don't want it to be a lone crusade.
Yet, I've a few acquaintances in the business, who have plenty of time on their hands with nothing to do but watching TV and when offered a chance, they can't be bothered - because "they are not in the business for long" (it's year 4 of one of them in particular says this).
Or because it doesn't pay - THIS is what I find so infuriating and what prompted me to post here in the first place. Yes, this initial documentary post doesn't look very trustworthy and I pointed it out myself, but do not ignore it purely on financial basis! What example are we giving to the new ones? There might be some of them out there who will go and get in touch with the poster. But instead of saying that it's only advisable to do this when you know what you're getting into and that you should take every precaution there is while doing it, we post something that makes you think that everything we do is for money. Well, yeah, everything we do IS for money, but shouldn't there be something we do for ourselves?
Or do I need to get a life?