Hello All
Next March Pink Therapy will be holding a conference for counsellors, therapists (of all kinds) and students called Sex Works! For over 2 years a number of us had been concerned with consistent reports from sex workers about poor, judgemental and stigmatising treatment by therapists. There has also been concern too about current or former sex workers who also work as counsellors, and possible sanctions being brought against them due to prejudicial assumptions.
The conference has expanded, as we realised that there were a number of professions which therapists might want to refer to, including sex workers, who currently are often misunderstood (such as somatic body workers) Drawing hard and fast lines around the different professions seemed unrealistic. For example regulators have told us they would possible sanction a psychotherapist who had a completely separate practice as a sexological body worker. When working with a client with disabilities a counsellor may want to refer to a sex surrogate, or a sex worker, and currently their is little guidance as to whether this would be considered ethical by governing bodies.
In planning the conference current and former sex workers, including escorts and pro-dommes have been involved from the very start. I am posting today so that anyone who is interested in attending, as a counsellor or therapist can do so and because I think its important people know this is happening, also there will be a chance to attend a "meet and greet" where conference attendees can meet representatives of various jobs, including sex workers. Pink Therapy have done this before and it was incredibly useful in breaking down preconceptions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. more details of the 2 days, on the link.