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Author Topic: Clients who become "boyfriends"  (Read 15987 times)

Little Diamond

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Clients who become "boyfriends"
« on: 10 January 2009, 01:20:50 pm »
I have been doing the odd day in a parlour. i have done it  before but wasn't keen, but have swapped days when the older women ( 28-55) are on as opposed to 19 year olds.

I have discovered that nearly all the girls have a client that became a regular ,then became exclusive to that girl, then became a kind of "boyfriend/sugardaddy ish" set up . These guys pay out loads of money for flats/cars/kids school uniform, you name it. They still come into the parlour and pay to see the girl, the girls never have sex with then outside of the parlour ,but they will go shooping with them and lunch and the like.
The reason i have posted on academic /media is i wondered if any research/literature  had been written into this kind of relationship? I know when all those girls were killed a couple of years ago there were similar men interviewed  by the police as initial suspects who "hoped one day she will be mine" but basically it was just give , give, give. on the part of the men.
Some of the girls I have met at work have full time relationships/kids,etc and their partners know about the other source of income Some of the guys have families,but he majority don't and have never really had a proper girlfriend ,just paid . I don't want to go into to much detail but some of the stories are quite sad . I had an idea that some girls could spin this successfully,but i had no idea how common it was.   I find it fascinating .The relationship status has  probably got some proper psychical title ,but I just cant get my head round it.



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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #1 on: 10 January 2009, 04:09:24 pm »
Don't know of any research done on this issue but I think you may have been hearing some tall tales. 
 Parlour work/incall flat work has never appealed to me for the same reasons that real world work does not appeal; office politics.  I think these girls are telling tales to get you to feel left out.  If you are only doing the odd day the fact is that you will be treated as the odd one out. 

Most clients who hire escorts do so precisely because they DON'T want relationships and the kinds of responsibilities involved.  From the escort's perspective this kind of thing would not appeal due to the issue of discretion.  I've had to let go some of my regulars who became too much so for this very reason.  The idea of a regular client being exclusive to a single escort is also dubious.

Little Diamond

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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #2 on: 10 January 2009, 05:07:56 pm »
Honest, its true.They have them coming in all the time, some of them just read the newspaper for a bit ,then go , then come back!.It wasn't deliberately aimed at me ,it was going on in the background,phone calls, chat about this flat ,this car. I said to the owner at the  end of the day  ,"whats the scene with all this "boyfriend/sugar daddie" thing?. She told me most of the girls had someone taking care of something.She a 55 year old woman and chilled ,she wouldn't make it up. If i hadn't seen the men in questions and spoken to the owner I would be thinking "yea , rite" ,but no!!


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #3 on: 10 January 2009, 06:36:56 pm »
I have heard of whole websites dedicated to 'sugardaddies', google it and see.

Personally I wouldn't mind having a regular client who took me out for dinner and bought me presents (I currently have one!) but they would still have to pay me in cash in my full-rate for anything sexual between us.

I wouldn't want to rely on a client to pay my rent or anything like that, cirumstances could change, and then the girl is left with no place to live or whatever.

I had a married regular client who got too attached (sending poems, texting etc) and then became really nasty when i didn't answer a text for a few days as my work phone was turned off whilst i was with family. He got really aggressive on the phone, but then said "I can't see you anymore, the trust is gone" He was the one cheating on his wife!!!!! and I mean, what trust? None of my clients know my real name, the locality i live in or any traceable details of my life. There are some i really like and stike up instant chemistry and have really interesting conversations, but they still don't get to know my real details.

I agree it's certainly an interesting concept psychologically, and i think it's a lot more common than people realise or admit to. When i was a teenager and not wanting to live at home, i lived with a variety of unsuitable men, rent-free since i couldn't afford to move out. How many younger women "date" older rich men for their money? I don't mean to generalise with the age thing, that's just how it usually is.

Anna xx

Little Diamond

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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #4 on: 10 January 2009, 07:16:30 pm »
Exactly! but these girls have got it going on.They really do have enough to pay rent,kids stuff, car,but its all crocodile tears and a bit of ego massaging and bobs your uncle ?300 appears.
And its not just the youngsters pulling it off ,there are Woman of all ages at the parlour and they all have some level of decent support,whether regulars , sugar something, sad men,etc,etc,. These women are tough but brilliant actresses and obviously a great shag!


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #5 on: 11 January 2009, 06:12:23 pm »
Well, i don't have any information on this really, but beg to question if this is really what you would want to do?

I don't want to slag off any of the ladies that do this or aspire to do this,
but personally it would go against my principles and integrity. Entertaining men and having sex with them for money is one thing, but acting up to them, ego massaging and pouting to get something out of them is to me very exploitative and a tad demeaning and would be completely against my nature.

But we are all different and do what we see necessary to get by.
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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #6 on: 11 January 2009, 11:39:00 pm »
I won't debate the ethics of these situations but they are potentially dangerous, although perhaps not as dramatic as the Ipswich murders.  I once had an agent who got into similar situations with some of the agency girls and these relationships predictably failed.  Later I found several websites dedicated to slandering these girls, complete with face pics and personal information.  These set-ups attract some very unstable, suggestible fantasists who do not recognise lies when they hear them.  Just because the escort knows she is playing the client doesn't mean the client is aware of this.  THe inevitable end to these relationships will likely lead to hurt and resentment, which will result in more drama than anyone needs. 


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #7 on: 13 January 2009, 02:32:41 am »
Just because the escort knows she is playing the client doesn't mean the client is aware of this.  THe inevitable end to these relationships will likely lead to hurt and resentment, which will result in more drama than anyone needs. 

girl you better say it....who needs that? If I was going to have a sugar pop, I'd still be doing what I do. I know because I've done it before. Dont get all tangled up in this boyfriend stuff with clients. I agree with Hermione that the reason they are doing this is because they dont want to have that type of involvement. I'm quite sure its not that difficult to go onto a personal's site and find lots of gold-diggers (both sexes) but I believe these guys dont want all that dependency. They want to shag and send us on our way. That's until next time....

I believe you though that maybe these girls are being sweetened up, and that's fine more power to them. But there's a thick line between sugar pop and bf...Its boundaries arent the same between the 2.


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #8 on: 13 January 2009, 12:40:56 pm »

but personally it would go against my principles and integrity. Entertaining men and having sex with them for money is one thing, but acting up to them, ego massaging and pouting to get something out of them is to me very exploitative and a tad demeaning and would be completely against my nature.

I completely agree with you. I saw a client recently who was in his mid 50's -so quite a bit older than me - and I think he was looking for this kind of relationship from me.  He said something about him being my daddy and was sort of looking for me to act up to it but not in a sexual way... he was more hinting about my personal life and it made me really uncomfortable.  It felt like he thought i was a vulnerable little girl who needs looking after which is the total opposite of what I am.

I find men like this hard to take.. the fact that they want to push the boundary line to outwith the bedroom doesnt sit well with me....


Little Diamond

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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #9 on: 13 January 2009, 05:50:19 pm »
The reason I posted this on acedmic rather than general was to ascertain if this was an area more prolific than I had imaged .I dont think its a good idea in any way shape or form.
Having looked at "Sex in Cyberspace-Men who pay for sex" (Sarah Earle and Keith Sharp) some time ago, trends like GFE are relatively new in sex work and I was interested to understand more from the male point of view how/why this area had developed.
When i was with the NHS , it was a common occurring for street sex workers to attend clinic with "my friend".These guys where a strange bunch . Usually met as a punt, girl gave them sob story and then the guy decides then need "rescuing".I have spoken in confidence to  the girls and usually after this initial event ,they stop having sex with them and start milking them for everything . The guy thinks by running them around, paying their drugs, letting sleep at the house ,etc they will go straight and marry them.
Of course it doesn't work like that.
It would seem "my friend" status isn't just about some lonely , older bloke bailing out an  addcited street sex worker.


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #10 on: 14 January 2009, 01:11:57 pm »
I was interested to understand more from the male point of view how/why this area had developed.

Maybe you would be better posting this on a punter based forum to get the male perspective, because I feel on safe there are very few men that will post and the clients that read this forum are mainly lurkers.

As for GFE, personally I think there is a huge difference between a sugar daddy relationship and GFE.
I advertise an excellent GFE and to me that means offering the gentleman the perfect companion, being charming, interesting, flirtatious and entertaining as well as sexually willing and as adventurous as he wants to be (within reason). Basically ensuring for the time he is with me he is the centre of my universe. If he wants to take me out in the frame of the working agreement lovely, but not essential, gifts of any sort are accepted with genuine delight, but certainly not expected. Since I enjoy meeting and interacting with people, love sex and am a pleaser by character, I don't find this difficult and genuinely enjoy the encounters.

A sugar daddy is taking that relationship a step further, I'd expect to be at his beck and call all the time in exchange for making him feel good for buying things for me. i couldn't do that and respect myself the next day, sorry.

And a boyfriend is an entirely different matter, this is the guy who gets to see you warts and all, he knows what you look like when you are full of the cold with tissues stuffed up your nose to stop it dripping, endures being snapped at when you are in a bad mood, shares your triumphs, supports you and asks you for the same. A partner you can share all aspects of life with.
« Last Edit: 14 January 2009, 01:17:55 pm by cassie »
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Little Diamond

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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #11 on: 14 January 2009, 01:26:42 pm »

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALM DOWN!!!!

I wasn't explaining myself properly!!!! . I meant" trends" like GFE were not around as much when i was in escorting before , in fact "not Kissing" was the done thing. I WASNT comparing the two!!, I was trying to ascertain where THIS phenomenon started ! ,if indeed it is one !

and I DIDNT want a male perspective from this forum!!! I wanted to know originally if any one  knew of any work that had been done around it ,that's all!!!!!!!


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #12 on: 14 January 2009, 11:24:07 pm »
Ok,ok, sory LD,
I wasn't having a go I was just saying what I think, but I think now I am REALLY confused.

After your first post about regular clients who see the wg outside of their work frame and pay for the girls rent, etc - we seemed to established that we were talking about sugar daddies, but later you seem to be talking about GFE, so it is easy to assume you see them as the same.

Also I quoted you in my previous post saying
"I was interested to understand more from the male point of view how/why this area had developed."

Sorry, but how can you get the male point of view by asking women.

Never mind, lol, mea culpa - I'm just totally confused, so will step back and see what others have to say.
No probs.

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Little Diamond

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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #13 on: 16 January 2009, 12:04:55 am »
Cassie ,
Sos Babe! probably too much wine when i typed it !

OK, rewind!

 1. research - has anyone done any on this area? ( Punter/"boyfriend"/"sugar dadie" / relationships with WG)
 2. researc- when/what made  GFE become the "norm" (in  comparison to "normal"  punter /wg relationships IE - no Kissing ,etc )
Big kiss!!!


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Re: Clients who become "boyfriends"
« Reply #14 on: 16 January 2009, 12:17:00 am »
Okey dokey LD,

I'm following now  ;D - and I still have to step back as I haven't done any research on those topics and am to new to comment from experience, would be interested in the replies myself.

hugs xx
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"