To whom this may concern,
When I travel around not everything fits into my suitcase. So then I end up with a suitcase, a handbag and a rucksack. This is not to mention the plastic bag of stuff I seem to accumulate on the way; owing to the must have magazine and that wonderful sandwich / crisps etc meal deal. Oh and all the stuff I conveniently managed to 'forget' ' ' leave behind' . Or rather, having convinced myself I did not need such and such item I now find I must have these items after all. Or else!
I have tried using a bigger sized suitcase where I can fit more stuff in. But I still end up with the handbag(goes without saying) and that obligatory plastic bag.
Plus, this size of suitcase is so large that it really is a struggle to get on and off the bus, train; anywhere really. If I get a taxi I get glowered at because of the sheer bulk and heftiness.
I definitely cannot get on a plane with all this stuff. It is a pity as I was really looking forward to a nice sun filled holiday and it actually makes me

to think that all because of this I may miss out.
So, if you can help me to come up with a solution I would be most grateful..
Kind regards,