Hi everyone!
I'm Maggie, and I'm currently working on my PhD research project at the University of Bristol Law School titled 'Better Sex Work.' I want to learn from people with experience working in the UK sex industry about what would make their working lives better, and to think about how we might use law (particularly labour law) to help achieve this. My goal is to highlight sex work as real work, and to amplify sex workers' demands for better working conditions and rights.
I'm organising online focus groups for people of all genders working in the UK sex industry (this includes all types of sex work, including full service, porn, stripping, and online sex work like OnlyFans or webcamming). This would involve a discussion with 4-6 other sex workers on Zoom about your experiences and hopes for the future.
This will take 1.5 hours and
you will be paid £50 for your involvement
I've put together an FAQ page with more information about myself and the project in case you'd like more information before getting involved:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TM09cMKIlXX3G24Xk_hoO5AwhV4z-xBxl8_Aoy4oiR4/editIf you are interested in the focus groups, or you have any questions, please contact me at maggie.fannon@bristol.ac.uk!I have also just launched an
anonymous online survey with a similar focus, asking brief questions about the good and bad aspects of your job in the sex industry. I'm hoping to get as many responses as possible so I can paint a detailed picture of UK workers' perspectives on their labour. It only takes 5-10 minutes to fill out, and you can find it by following this link:
https://law.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/better-sex-workUnfortunately, I don't have the budget to pay for survey responses and I understand if you'd rather not take part in unpaid research.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear from some of you soon!