Yes. Any website that contains adult content, whether it's soft porn pictures or written content will be effected. This doesn't just include porn sites, but could also include the likes of Amazon who sell erotic literature, Ebay, Google, Facebook/twitter (there is a plethora of pictures on there that the government may deem soft porn, not to mention some of the conversations that we adults have on there), Adult work, and many of the other sites that we ladies advertise on, companies that sell sex toys etc.
As we're part of the sex industry then no doubt we will be forced to bring in a verification systemon our own websites to prove that our viewers are over 18.
The government has yet to decide what they deem as adult content yet, but they are ignoring the opposition, and are trying to push the bill through, which could be a huge problem for many. There is a petition by 38 Degrees asking for people to write to their MP (they even write out the email for you so you don't have to). Just search for the Digital Economy Bill by said group. (Moderators, apologies if I've broken any rules here, as I'm not sure if I am allowed to post up the link for this petition. If so, then please modify. Many thanks).
Considering large companies like Tesco's and Talk Talk cannot even secure their own customers private information without getting hacked, what chance have the rest of us got.