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Author Topic: Beyond the Gaze Research-Important UK Wide Research  (Read 6258 times)


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Beyond the Gaze Research-Important UK Wide Research
« on: 22 October 2015, 04:07:12 pm »
Beyond the Gaze is participatory research project looking at the practices, regulation and safety of internet based sex workers! It's UK wide, is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is being carried out over 3 years and includes sex workers of all genders. It will be the largest, most important study, of this sector of the industry to date in the UK, so a good opportunity to have your say.  As this is an important study it will  be used  to  inform policy, so it?s important the views & experiences of  a group of sex workers, whose needs/working styles and conditions, which have tended to be ignored, are collected in this research. The research will  produce in-depth information about independent sex work and escorting  which have so far been covered only by smaller-scale studies.
Research Team: It?s being carried out by a team of researchers at Leicester (formerly with Leeds) and Strathclyde Universities & the team includes sex worker peer researchers. For more info about the project go to our website    You can sign up for an enewsletter
Supporters: National Ugly Mugs are a partner in the research and SAAFE are supporting us by letting us have a  thread on the forum. Thanks!! We hope it?s one of the ways sex workers can get involved and comment over the next  couple of years and a way we can let SAAFE forum members know about other opportunities for getting involved and the activities taking place as part of the project.
Take Part in an Interview:  We are looking for people, of all genders, all nationalities who work as independent escorts in the UK to take part in a research interview.  To arrange an interview or get further information about what is involved please email, text or whatsapp message one of our researchers ? Rosie Campbell at   mobile: 07834 148333 or Stewart Cunningham at  mobile:  07834148334  We will arrange a time that suits you to be interviewed by one of the team. The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a ?20 thank you Amazon voucher.

The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone or face to face, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a ?20 thank you Amazon voucher for your time.
Confidentiality: We know how important privacy and confidentiality are for people in the sex industry. Taking part in an interview will be confidential & anonymous, no personal details that could identify you will be recorded, no names, phone numbers, emails etc. We work to strict ethical guidelines and if we didn?t would get into trouble.

Thanks to those who have already done an interview for us!! We massively appreciate your contribution to the research!

You can also follow us on:   twitter@BeyondtheGaze
Like our facebook page:
« Last Edit: 06 July 2016, 01:44:32 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Recruitment of Peer Researchers
« Reply #1 on: 22 October 2015, 04:10:53 pm »
?Beyond the Gaze? (Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds)
is pleased to announce that we are recruiting  3 sessional Peer Researchers for our participatory action research project about internet based sex work

We are recruiting for 3 posts each Grade 6 Peer Researchers (?15 per hour, 60 hours over a two year period). Available from November 2015 fixed term to August 2017.

Duties will include advising on research design, recruitment methods and access; interviewing internet based sex workers; advising on survey design and delivery; writing short reports and where appropriate presenting research findings to academic and practitioner based audiences. For one of the posts we require a Romanian speaker.

We are inviting application forms and short cover note to be sent to Dr Teela Sanders by 16th  November 2015 ( To download further details about the posts, the person specification & application form Click on  (Person spec / Duties and Application form).  Interviews are expected to be held on 25 November 2015

Applications will be treated as strictly confidential and seen by only immediate members of the team.
« Last Edit: 19 April 2016, 12:12:39 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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What do you think we should ask in research interviews?
« Reply #2 on: 05 November 2015, 04:28:00 pm »
Hi All,
We're consulting internet based sex workers about what they think we should be asking about in this participatory action research project about the working practices and safety of internet based sex workers.  We are putting together the interview guide for the 80 interviews we'll carry out with internet based sex workers. What are the main questions you think we should be asking in order to gather sex workers, experiences and views, to collect info about how sex workers are using the internet, the benefits it has, the down sides? What are the things you think we should be asking that could  better help inform policy makers about the sector?  Post you thoughts in this thread, PM me on SAAFE or email me if you prefer at: 
Thanks Rosie


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Beyond the Gaze- 16th Nov Peer Researchers Deadline
« Reply #3 on: 05 November 2015, 04:30:34 pm »
Hi All,
Just to flag up 16th Nov is the deadline for applications for peer researchers for the project. Please go to our website for info about the part time posts and how to apply

Hope we get some applications from SAAFE members!


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Internet Based Sex Work Participatory Research
« Reply #4 on: 11 November 2015, 05:07:53 am »
Applied for! Wish me luck ladies! Peer researcher eh - wonder how that would effect my tax though! xxx
MM xx


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Internet Based Sex Work Participatory Research
« Reply #5 on: 11 November 2015, 09:04:42 am »
Applied for! Wish me luck ladies! Peer researcher eh - wonder how that would effect my tax though! xxx

If it's a paid position then you just add it onto your income when you fill in your self assessment.


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Internet Based Sex Work Participatory Research
« Reply #6 on: 12 November 2015, 10:22:35 am »
Good to hear someone has applied! Deadline is 16th November so still time! Rosie


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Take Part in Research Interview for Important Study!!
« Reply #7 on: 27 January 2016, 12:58:21 pm »
Beyond the Gaze is participatory research project looking at the practices, regulation and safety of internet based sex workers! It's UK wide, is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is being carried out over 3 years and includes sex workers of all genders. It will be the largest, most important study, of this sector of the industry to date in the UK, so a good opportunity to have your say.  As this is an important study it will  be used  to  inform policy, so it?s important the views & experiences of  a group of sex workers, whose needs/working styles and conditions, which have tended to be ignored, are collected in this research. The research will  produce in-depth information about independent sex work and escorting  which have so far been covered only by smaller-scale studies.
Research Team: It?s being carried out by a team of researchers at Leicester (formerly with Leeds) and Strathclyde Universities & the team includes sex worker peer researchers. For more info about the project go to our website    You can sign up for an enewsletter
Supporters: National Ugly Mugs are a partner in the research and SAAFE are supporting us by letting us have a  thread on the forum. Thanks!! We hope it?s one of the ways sex workers can get involved and comment over the next  couple of years and a way we can let SAAFE forum members know about other opportunities for getting involved and the activities taking place as part of the project.
Take Part in an Interview:  We are looking for people, of all genders, all nationalities who work as independent escorts in the UK to take part in a research interview.  To arrange an interview or get further information about what is involved please email, text or whatsapp message one of our researchers ? Stewart Cunningham at  mobile:  07834148334 or Rosie Campbell on  We will arrange a time that suits you to be interviewed by one of the team. The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a ?20 thank you Amazon voucher.

The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone or face to face, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a ?20 thank you Amazon voucher for your time.
Confidentiality: We know how important privacy and confidentiality are for people in the sex industry. Taking part in an interview will be confidential & anonymous, no personal details that could identify you will be recorded, no names, phone numbers, emails etc. We work to strict ethical guidelines and if we didn?t would get into trouble.

Thanks to those who have already done an interview for us!! We massively appreciate your contribution to the research!
« Last Edit: 06 July 2016, 01:45:54 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Take Part in Research Interview for Important Study
« Reply #8 on: 09 February 2016, 07:32:58 am »
Hi Folks,
We're still looking for people to contribute to the study & do a research interview!   We are looking for people, of all genders, all nationalities who work as independent escorts in the UK to take part in a research interview.  To arrange an interview or get further information about what is involved please email, text or whatsapp message one of our researchers  Stewart Cunningham at  mobile:  07834148334 or email Rosie Campbell at  mobile:07834148333 We will arrange a time that suits you to be interviewed by one of the team. The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a �20 thank you Amazon voucher.

The interview will look how you use the  internet in your work and  ask about wider working practices & safety.  Interviews can be over Skype, phone or face to face, whatever suits you! Interviews will take an hour and there is a �20 thank you Amazon voucher for your time.
Confidentiality: We know how important privacy and confidentiality are for people in the sex industry. Taking part in an interview will be confidential & anonymous, no personal details that could identify you will be recorded, no names, phone numbers, emails etc. We work to strict ethical guidelines and if we didn�t would get into trouble.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!  Thanks to those who have helped so far!
Teela, Stewart & Rosie
« Last Edit: 19 April 2016, 12:16:07 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Take Part in Research Interview for Important Study
« Reply #9 on: 16 February 2016, 07:50:41 am »
We just wanted to say a big thanks thanks to people who've got in touch so far offering to help out with the research and have taken part in an  an interview!  We're still carrying out interviews for those still interested in contributing. So do email  if you are interested. We especially need people based in Northern Ireland.
« Last Edit: 06 July 2016, 01:46:40 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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Re: Beyond the Gaze: Thanks for help!
« Reply #10 on: 19 April 2016, 12:22:34 pm »
A BIG THANK YOU you to all who have helped us so far and contributed to BTG by taking part in a research interview!

We?ve have had such a fabulous response from people in the industry that we have reached our target for the first phase of interviews with sex workers. We have had people from all over the UK, all genders, people working  in escorting,  BDSM work, phone sex chat & camming help us out. People on SAAFE have been particularly responsive. We may be doing some more interviews  later in the year to look in more depth at particular issues, we will post and tweet about this if we do.

From October 2016  we will be carrying out an online survey of internet based sex workers and really want this to be the largest survey of the sector to date. Look out for calls to take part! We will of course let people on SAAFE know about the survey.

We'll also be posting updates and news about the Beyond the Gaze Research here on SAAFE!

If you have any queries about the research at any point you can email me Rosie on or call or message me on 07834148333. You can follow us on Twitter
« Last Edit: 06 July 2016, 01:47:25 pm by RosieBeyondtheGaze »


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Hi All,

Just updating on Beyond the Gaze. We have done over 50 interviews with an amazing range of people in the sex industry who use the internet in their work!!  Thanks to those SAAFE members who helped us out!  In July we'll be carrying out an online survey for customers of internet based sex workers. We'll  be posting when that is due to go live, in case some folks feel they can promote it through their networks, we have some online advertising platforms who are helping us.  But if anyone is active on any customer forums where it would be appropriate to share the link to the survey do let us know or when you see us post the survey link please share.

The big sex worker survey is now looking like October, because we want to get it right, we're working with sex worker community co researchers who are a key part of our team designing that. Always hard to ask all the key questions and not make it too long so people get turned off.

We're active on Twitter if you want to follow us we're at @BeyondtheGaze and of course our website will have updates and other features.  We now have a regular blog and many of the blog features are by sex workers.

Final bit of news from 1st July the Leeds University part of the Beyond the Gaze Team will be at Leicester University. The Strathclyde University remain there. The project continues exactly as before just a change of University home base and the project will then be at Leicester Uni and Strathclyde Uni collaboration.
Best all!


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Re: Beyond the Gaze Research-Important UK Wide Research
« Reply #12 on: 06 July 2016, 01:51:38 pm »
Move to University of Leicester for Leeds University Beyond the Gaze Team Members

The members of the Beyond the Gaze Team based at the University of Leeds, Professor Teela Sanders and Rosie Campbell will moved to the Department of Criminology at the University of Leicester on the 1st July 2016! The team members at Strathclyde University Professor Jane Scoular, Stewart Cunningham and Dr Jane Pitcher remain based at Strathclyde. The methodology and work plan of the ?Beyond the Gaze? project will not be affected and will continue as normal and the project is now a collaboration between University of Leicester and University of Strathclyde.

To all who have contributed to the research to date we want you to know that the ethical practice standards and obligations we as a research team work to remain the same,  as do the data storage/ protection standards, with University of  Leicester taking on responsibility  for those.

If you have any queries you can pm us on SAAFE or contact Rosie at:  Stewart Cunningham

Thanks folks  Rosie


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Re: Beyond the Gaze Research-Important UK Wide Research - Update Aug 2016
« Reply #13 on: 15 August 2016, 11:57:37 am »
Hi All,

The research is going really well, thanks to all who are contributing and promoting the research in different ways and who are following us on Twitter @beyondthegaze  You can also sign up for our e-newsletter on or website

Currently we have ongoing an online survey of the customers of internet based sex workers and we have a range of platforms who are promoting that for us!  That will run till the end of September.

Later in the year we will be doing an online survey for sex workers, the questions we will be asking will be informed be the interviews we have carried out with sex workers which some members of SAAFE helped us with. Thanks!
