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Author Topic: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.  (Read 3969 times)


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« Last Edit: 19 February 2013, 12:52:56 pm by LilyAnne »


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Please do feel free to post your 'guidance document' (or a link to it) here. I'm sure we'll all be much happier to help once we've seen it, and even more so once you've made it clear that you're not expecting the people here to participate for free?

Nobody Interesting

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"?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?"

This really is not clear to me, as a fluent speaker of twaddle - that says something. It may be an idea to rephrase this.

H x
Someone's been a bad girl


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Perhaps not.
« Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 02:53:11 pm by painted_nails »


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This really is not clear to me [...]

She means she thinks we must all be fraudulently claiming benefits in addition to whoring on the sly because we're thick, bone idle and thus not capable of doing any other type of work. But this only happens in London, as of course does anything else of any significance.


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I have just edited my original post and attached the guidance document to it. Just to confirm, participants will not be getting paid.

I am not personally gaining anything out of this. I am an ex escort myselfe and just trying positively contribute to the comminity.


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Lily, with the best will in the world your opening gambit reads like the world's least challenging game of Spot The Cliche.

What we want to know, basically, is why should we participate, especially now it turns out we're supposed to do it for nothing? What's in it for us and why should we help you? I doubt any of us are trembling with excitement at the prospect of being on YouTube and judging by the lazy, stereotypical assumptions paraded in your thread starter, I'm not sure you know either.

Why not try that one again?


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I would be interested in helping but would be concerned if you are planning to use video and audio on your channel that my anonymity would be compromised. I understand I could submit information without divulging my name etc but my voice... Am I right in thinking you'd want to use my own voice?

Feel free to get in touch,

A x

I prefer people to use their own voices becuase its more personal. However if you feel unconfortable with that You you prererd to send me a transcript then I could read it out. The problem with that is, if 5 people come back to me wanting to read their story then listeners may get bored of hearing the same voice and I dont have the most exciting voice in the world either.  Send me your story in writing if you prefer.


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  ?   Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF


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  ?   Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF

Your not the only one, ok some girls will be doing this job for these reasons, but that doesn't mean we all are.


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #10 on: 11 February 2013, 11:31:11 am »
  ?   Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF

Your not the only one, ok some girls will be doing this job for these reasons, but that doesn't mean we all are.

Me too; and I find it rather odd that someone claiming to have formally been an escort and who therefore should surely be rather more savvy about why we do what do, is making these assumptions.


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #11 on: 11 February 2013, 12:02:12 pm »
I just did a quick search on Youtube and I cant find a channel called Adult X Society, or any videos with that description at all. Surely if Lily Anne is an ex-Escort she should be leading the charge and posting all her own personal experiences first...?

R xx


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #12 on: 11 February 2013, 12:47:48 pm »
Has anyone tried to open link to see rest of the questions asked, I tried and file cannot open.


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #13 on: 11 February 2013, 02:22:43 pm »
  ?   Do you need to do it to pay for your child?s school fees?
?   Have to been through a recent divorce and struggling to pay the mortgage?
?   Are you living in London, and housing benefits will not cover all your rent so resorting to prostitution?  Etc?????..

I have to say I feel rather offended by the above assumptions and stereotypes.  :FF

People into this type of work for all sorts of reasons. I went into it for completely difference from the above. Those are just examples so I dont know how stereotyping comes into the equation.


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Re: Adult X Society - tell us about your experience as a sex industry worker.
« Reply #14 on: 11 February 2013, 03:36:28 pm »
Lily Anne

I cant find the channel you mention on Youtube, can we have a link please? I'm sure a lot of us would like to see the Video that you have presumably made before we decide whether to contribute.