Hello Saafe members,
My name is Luca Stevenson and I?m an independent male sex worker working in Glasgow. I volunteer with two sex worker rights organisations ? the Sex Worker Open University and SCOT-PEP. We?re working with a researcher called Kate Hardy from the University of Leeds. Kate is doing some research on the sex industry in Glasgow and the impact of the Commonwealth Games on sex workers in the city. We are hoping to interview some sex workers to find out about what it?s like to work in Glasgow and whether the Games has or will make any difference to their work. You can read more about the research in an information sheet attached to the email.
I?m contacting you to see if you would be interested in being interviewed as part of the research project. You will not be identified in the research and will remain totally anonymous. The interview will be done by me or another sex worker and you will be paid for your time. We will pay ?40 for the initial interview (will last no longer than an hour) and then ?10 each for two quick follow up phone calls during the Games and six months later.
If you are up for being interviewed then just drop me an email at longshot2009@hotmail.co.uk.
Thanks a lot!