I read the original replies from Michelle and could just feel a little ...
coming on.
Michelle, allow me to explain this to you in very simple terms.
Yes, the police have set out in lovely flowery language about how they only want to ensure the safety of sex
workers and that's why they are doing these "welfare visits", perhaps you would be kind enough to enlighten
me as to how having a lady on her own thrown out of her lodgings in the dead of night is ensuring her safety ?
Particularly when hotels in some areas have a nasty habit of sending each other details of said lady so she hasn't
got a hope in hell of getting anywhere else to stay, except a B & B I wouldn't put my cat in if she's lucky ?
You see, what is happening is this - plod roll up to the hotel and naturally the night manager will want to know why
they are there. "We're here to visit the prostitute in room 321". Naturally, the night manager is going to want the
lady out, so although the police are not DIRECTLY responsible for ejecting the lady, when asked to do so by the
hotel management, they will do so.
Also Michelle, I'd invite you to read before you speak too, in particular this thread on Punternet, with contributions
from several well known independent escorts as to what is going on.
Link here.Still, as you said yourself, it doesn't matter to you anyway, does it ? I'm sure you said -
"To be honest I really don?t care!" ... which says it all.