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Grampian Police?s main objectives in contacting indoor sex workers are:
?Ensuring women?s safety
?Ensuring that there is no coercion/force i.e. human trafficking and making sure that the women present are working of their own free will
?Confirmation of identity i.e. women are who they say they are
?The prevention of bigger crimes - Grampian Police are of the opinion that this method of engaging with off-street sex workers may help to prevent larger scale crimes such as robberies and attacks on women by punters. It is hoped that by building a better rapport and trust with Grampian Police, women may feel more comfortable and able to inform Police about crimes committed against them, and ultimately feel more protected by Grampian Police
?Grampian Police are keen to share information with off-street sex workers regarding dodgy punters and also wish to provide safety advice
?Ensuring that you are working within the boundaries of the law
If Grampian Police do visit your property and have established that you are working there of your own free will they will then take your photograph ? they do this because if something happened to you then they would be able to identify you more quickly and would help inform their investigation. The photograph is only seen by a small team of Officers who are working within the sex industry department of Grampian Police. Grampian Police have stated that any information gained by officers regarding women working off-street is kept confidential within a small team in Grampian Police. The information cannot be accessed by other law enforcement teams and as such would not appear on a PVG check.
The Police will also take your contact details and run them through the Police National Computer (PNC check), a computer database system that is used by law enforcement agencies across the UK. They are looking for any outstanding warrants or any previous criminal convictions that they should be aware of.
If you are with a client when Grampian Police visit your property, they will also take a photograph and personal details from your client. Their details are also run through the PNC. This is for your safety, to ensure that the client is not a dangerous criminal or is wanted by the Police.
Grampian Police have stated that as long as there is no evidence of criminal activity or brothel keeping, then the Police will take no action. After Grampian Police have visited and are satisfied that you are working independently, they will ask you to call or text them next time that you are working in Aberdeen. Grampian Police stated this is because if a hotel or serviced flat, for example, do contact them again with the same issues such as individuals coming to and from the property, then they will be able to confirm that you are not doing anything illegal. Then it is up to the individual establishment to decide whether they wish to take any action, such as asking you to leave.
The decision to ask you to leave is made by the venue and not at the insistence of Grampian Police, unless they have had a specific complaint.
By communicating with the Police about when you are working in Aberdeen, they endeavour to be able to pass onto you any information that is relevant to your wellbeing, such as giving details of a dodgy punter for you to look out for. And vice versa.
A common concern raised by women is how confidential the storage of their information is once Grampian Police have taken their details and any future implications having contact with the police may have e.g. on employment prospects.
If you have any views on this approach, please get in touch and we will be happy to pass on any comments to Grampian Police.
For access to more detailed information about the law in Scotland, please follow this link.