I am planning to go... anyone else interested ?
Subject: Launch of COST Action IS1209: =91Comparing European Prostitution P=
olicies:Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance=92
Dear All,
I am pleased to announce the launch of COST Action IS1209: =91Comparing Eur=
opean Prostitution Policies : Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governan=
ce=92, Senate House, London, UK, 12th September 2013
The aim of the four-year (2013-2017) COST Action IS 1209 =91Comparing Europ=
ean Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance=
=92 is to compare and disseminate knowledge about the multiple contexts, fe=
atures and effects of prostitution policies at the European, national and l=
ocal levels. The Action intends to achieve this by providing an innovative =
platform of exchange to enhance understanding of how concepts, policies and=
practices transfer across national cultures and local contexts, and the im=
plications this has for knowledge exchange and coordination in the field.
The formal launch of the Action includes an open event on 12th September 20=
13, 1.45-6.15pm, at Senate House (Chancellor=92s Hall), London, UK.
This event is open to everyone, but registration is needed (=A35)
To book your place, please follow this link: https://costopenregistration.e=
For more information on the Action see: http://www.cost.eu/d.../Actions/IS1209
The event is hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston Un=
iversity, London, UK: http://fass.kingston.ac.uk/
1.45 - 2.30: Presentation of the Action
2.30 - 4.30: Plenary 1
Kamala Kempadoo (York University, Canada): =93Labour Migration and Sex Work=
: Navigating Closed Borders"
Don Kulick (University of Chicago, USA): =93Myths, falsehoods, fantasies an=
d realities concerning sex work and disability=94
4.30 - 5.00: Tea and cake
5.00 =96 6.00: Plenary 2
Teela Sanders (University of Leeds, UK): =93Revealing All: Strip Work, Work=
ing Conditions and Policy Change=94
6.00 =96 6.15: Closing Comments