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Author Topic: Looking for a touring buddy and friend. Im based in the West Midlands.  (Read 871 times)


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Im a bbw escort based in the west midlands. I want to tour a little over the next 12 months but dont want to go on my own. I want to try London, Bristol, essex, Liverpool and anywhere else that is deemed to have the work. I dont mind driving us to destinations or we could get the train together xx

sadie x

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i see your post is fairly old,but was wondering if your still intrsested,im looking to find places to work in bristol exeter areas,but feel worried travelling these areas alone for first time,used to go ireland alone,but kind of got used to it! it just seems a lot more fun with company,im 29 very easy going..x


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I'll give you a clue for a hint re Bristol area - don't ............. simple as that.

Place is saturated with workers............. some working for as little as ?20-?30 for 30 mins and  ?50 for one hour full service.

Friends who live/work there are only getting one or two calls/bookings a week now. 

However you dont need to take my word for it, if you want to give it a go there do that and get back to us and let us know if this is true info or not.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.

sadie x

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thanks for that!theres nothing worse than travelling such a long distance,then it been shite!thats always a clue that a place dead,when girls are charging so little!its something to look for..x