Hi all - tomorrow SWARM will be holding a pop up vaccine clinic in East London, where all sex workers can get a free flu jab and a covid booster
This will be held at Pelican House, 144 Cambridge Heath Road, from 11.30am - 3.30pm. No need to book a slot, just drop in. Someone should be outside to say hi and there will be a sign.
Any questions, email mutualaid@swarmcollective.org
Hi everyone!
This is Lydia from SWARM. We've teamed up with South West London NHS to get sex workers vaccinated without needing to be registered at a GP. We handle all of the data, and only pass on the name and contact details you give us directly to the team who will be vaccinating you - and you can use ANY name you want, including just a first name. NO data will be shared with the home office or any other programme like that.
We can also refer you on to other health services in South West London, including sexual health, drug, and mental health support.
Our referral form is below - just put your SAAFE username in the verification area

I'll be around to answer any questions you have about vaccination, privacy, and the programme in general.