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Author Topic: Serious duo partner needed to make serious money and I'm hitting my goals!  (Read 628 times)


  • New Member
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  • Just looking to make lots of money
I have been going nutty recently making money and figured out an amazing rhythm for me. I have about £100,000 goal left and I have no doubt I will be hitting it by the beginning of next year if not sooner.
I work serious hard and make a lot of money but I really need to lean on someone to make this journey easier and more enjoyable.

Working alone is very isolating, unsocial and hard.
I work in Carlisle but tour in hotspots I've found within a couple of hours away.

I'm serious about finding a friend and work buddy to make money.

So about me, I socially drink and smoke but I don't party or take drugs so prefer if you also don't. Hey once we have made lots of money we can party then! I do all different types of bookings and don't mind camming as well. I have responsibility at home so I work by serious schedule's. I'm a cheap queen who loves the bargains. I'm very goal oriented and love making money.
That's enough about me now.

If you think we will click send me your adultwork account or number. Oh any age, race, lifestyle is fine as long as your  decent human.


  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 5
  • Living, Breathing & Succeeding
Hey babe if you could WhatsApp me, my number is 07593 156393. I’ll send over my profile & we can have a chat x