Dear Saharbelle,
1. Unfortunately, there are more and more TWs, no one can avoid them. You are not choosing the best time to start. Because now, we old escort girls are also fighting for bookings. In the UK, this profession is now in a bit of a recession. But if you start, I wish you good luck and I hope you will be busy.
2.Here on the forum you can find friends and a lot of information for work. For advertisements, warnings, recommendations. Etc.
3. You say you have no experience in the sexual field. I recommend that you start in this area first. Many people think this is an "easy money-making opportunity" Well, it is not! You have to assess whether you are capable of it. Getting into bed with strange men, having sex with them. Even if they are not nice or come to you dirty and unkempt. Or are you able to keep control during the meeting and say no when some men try more, e.g. initiating penetration without a condom.
( When I started this job 4 years ago, first time I once went to a swinger club to assess my own abilities.)
4. You will definitely find someone who will help you create an aw profile. But you should know that it is not enough to just create, you also have to learn to manage it. If you don't want to depend on someone else. Because aw requires regular money investment, many functions cost money. Phone number display, profile highlighting, daily availability indication. Etc.
In conclusion, if you start, I wish you good luck and success in this work .