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Author Topic: Looking for a sane touring partener  (Read 984 times)

Lacey of Leeds

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Looking for a sane touring partener
« on: 20 October 2011, 11:10:53 am »
The Business
I am looking for a touring partner to work around the UK with me- tour dates flexible though one week of it is pre-booked (31st-1st) so must be around this week.
I am planning to tour places I know to have no/ few escorts already working in them so it will be a lot of travel, but everytime I visit these places they alwayse more than pay themselves off.

I would LOVE to meet another person doing this job, and I think a tour would be a great way of making money and having fun together. Someone that does 2 girls would be ace as its more jobs for us :) I am laid back, enjoy a night out  and enjoy the buzz of tours. I also really hope someone wants to some with me on this one!

Hopefully speak to you soon?

Lacey xxx