I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling bad at the moment. Have you tried asking at your doctor's or GUM clinic whether they have someone you could chat to? It sounds terribly serious but it's honestly not: if they have a counsellor their job will definitely involve talking to anyone who is having problems related to sex or sex work - you don't have to have "the worst problem EVER!" to talk to them, is what I'm getting at.

It might be particularly useful to you if you were thinking of getting out of the industry, or if you're just not sure, because they can also pass lots of advice on to you from other related parts of the health service.
There is also the option of contacting a local sex work outreach group - we could maybe recommend one if you let us know your general location?
And of course sometimes all you need is a friend so I hope you do find someone on here to provide support if that's what you would prefer right now. Forgive me if this comes across as patronising - I don't mean it that way! - but I must remind you (and anyone else reading if they're in the same sort of situation) to be very careful about who you talk to online. Don't share any personal information; remember that, online, you can never properly verify someone's identity. We've had many cases of escorts using SAAFE finding that stalky/obsessive/annoying/weird clients were following them around and reading everything they wrote, so they had to change their name and/or stop writing publicly on here altogether. It's a real shame but the most important thing is to protect yourself, especially if you are feeling vulnerable or going through a difficult time.
((Hugs)) Definitely let us know here (you can PM any mod at any time, or post in one of the more private areas like the Bilge bit) if you feel you're struggling - this forum can be a godsend sometimes!