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Author Topic: in need of some new london escort freinds asap !  (Read 1423 times)


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in need of some new london escort freinds asap !
« on: 17 June 2012, 01:36:33 am »
hey girls
I've just decided to return to escorting after a 4 year long domestic violent relationship !
i used to work , earn great money have a fab lifestyle ...lots of Friends escort and non escort ! until i met my ex partner , i stopped working (he never knew or found out) he took total control of my life , beat me up on so many occasions i cant remember .. he made me totally cut off all Friends .. in fact he was the only person allowed my phone number !
Ive Finlay found the courage to leave him for good ... but i have nothing now as he took my whole life away !

I sound so sad and pathetic writing this but believe me i never was ... I'm attractive and i used to be very loud and bubbly i was never the 'type' that would be domestically abused ..they say it can happen to anyone and believe me it really can !

so anyways I'm looking to make some new Friends and work to keep my self busy and make sure i never ever return to him again, so any girls in the London area fancy a few drinks give me a pm xxx


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Re: in need of some new london escort freinds asap !
« Reply #1 on: 17 June 2012, 01:45:41 am »
hey girls
I've just decided to return to escorting after a 4 year long domestic violent relationship !
i used to work , earn great money have a fab lifestyle ...lots of Friends escort and non escort ! until i met my ex partner , i stopped working (he never knew or found out) he took total control of my life , beat me up on so many occasions i cant remember .. he made me totally cut off all Friends .. in fact he was the only person allowed my phone number !
Ive Finlay found the courage to leave him for good ... but i have nothing now as he took my whole life away !

I sound so sad and pathetic writing this but believe me i never was ... I'm attractive and i used to be very loud and bubbly i was never the 'type' that would be domestically abused ..they say it can happen to anyone and believe me it really can !

so anyways I'm looking to make some new Friends and work to keep my self busy and make sure i never ever return to him again, so any girls in the London area fancy a few drinks give me a pm xxx

Hey Taylor, although i don't know what it is like to be domestically abused, I just came out of an awful relationship too, and feel exactly like you.

You are not in any way sad and pathetic, love does funny things to us, and unfortunately it can completely blind us to our own well being.

I know it feels like you have nothing, sometimes I feel like that too... but in time you will build your own life and it will be full of things that make you happy. For now try and get through every day, and focus on what makes you happy each day. For me it's new hobbies and pampering myself.  :)

I do not work in London, but will be in that area for the next week and a bit if you want a drink. I'll PM you my number if you just need to talk.

Stay strong, you'll be ok.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: in need of some new london escort freinds asap !
« Reply #2 on: 23 June 2012, 12:53:23 am »
hey girls
I've just decided to return to escorting after a 4 year long domestic violent relationship !
i used to work , earn great money have a fab lifestyle ...lots of Friends escort and non escort ! until i met my ex partner , i stopped working (he never knew or found out) he took total control of my life , beat me up on so many occasions i cant remember .. he made me totally cut off all Friends .. in fact he was the only person allowed my phone number !
Ive Finlay found the courage to leave him for good ... but i have nothing now as he took my whole life away !

I sound so sad and pathetic writing this but believe me i never was ... I'm attractive and i used to be very loud and bubbly i was never the 'type' that would be domestically abused ..they say it can happen to anyone and believe me it really can !

so anyways I'm looking to make some new Friends and work to keep my self busy and make sure i never ever return to him again, so any girls in the London area fancy a few drinks give me a pm xxx

Hey Taylor, although i don't know what it is like to be domestically abused, I just came out of an awful relationship too, and feel exactly like you.

You are not in any way sad and pathetic, love does funny things to us, and unfortunately it can completely blind us to our own well being.

I know it feels like you have nothing, sometimes I feel like that too... but in time you will build your own life and it will be full of things that make you happy. For now try and get through every day, and focus on what makes you happy each day. For me it's new hobbies and pampering myself.  :)

I do not work in London, but will be in that area for the next week and a bit if you want a drink. I'll PM you my number if you just need to talk.

Stay strong, you'll be ok.
hey girls
I've just decided to return to escorting after a 4 year long domestic violent relationship !
i used to work , earn great money have a fab lifestyle ...lots of Friends escort and non escort ! until i met my ex partner , i stopped working (he never knew or found out) he took total control of my life , beat me up on so many occasions i cant remember .. he made me totally cut off all Friends .. in fact he was the only person allowed my phone number !
Ive Finlay found the courage to leave him for good ... but i have nothing now as he took my whole life away !

I sound so sad and pathetic writing this but believe me i never was ... I'm attractive and i used to be very loud and bubbly i was never the 'type' that would be domestically abused ..they say it can happen to anyone and believe me it really can !

so anyways I'm looking to make some new Friends and work to keep my self busy and make sure i never ever return to him again, so any girls in the London area fancy a few drinks give me a pm xxx


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Re: in need of some new london escort freinds asap !
« Reply #3 on: 23 June 2012, 12:55:45 am »
Hi I'm from Kent but can travel down to London have also been in a abusive relationship within the last year and am quite new to escorting just over 2 months now