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Author Topic: I am in as well...  (Read 7229 times)

Welsh Lass

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I am in as well...
« on: 05 October 2008, 10:14:29 am »
I am in Swansea so miles away from most of you guys but will happily take your call to say you arrived/got home okay.
07826 802739
Just call beforehand to make sure I am not working that day/evening and all is good.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I am in as well...
« Reply #1 on: 06 October 2008, 04:08:45 pm »
Hey jo how are you where in swansea are you from im in neath are you with a agency o independant just asking becouse im thinking of going as a independant escort thats why i know that a agency wont take most of the cash i make . Be great if you could get bk to me thanks emily

Welsh Lass

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Re: I am in as well...
« Reply #2 on: 06 October 2008, 07:32:42 pm »
I don't wish to be rude but I have had this conversation with you already. I and others keep on trying to give you advice but you do not seem to take it on board.
I will be of no use to you with regards to long term advice as I have not long started out on this myself, I am still very much in the early days but I have tried with you all the same, I have failed, obviously, in helping you out as you do not appear to be listening to me you keep asking the same things over and over again.

I believe your at university Emily? I think you have mentioned it before? Would that be Swansea University and if so, what are you studying?
I am interested to know if you live with your parents as you are in Neath and most students at Uni stay in Sketty/Uplands area of Swansea in the bedsits/flats and house shares there. From Neath to Swansea Uni takes a train and 2 different bus routes, how do you cope with that?
If you are living with your parents how will you manage incalls? I seem to remember you do not drive so an agency is possibly your best option.
It is very much a hard slog starting up as an independent right now, people are getting careful with their cash. An agency could possibly find you more work than you could find yourself therefore making their fees seem more acceptable. You could try for block bookings and get a hotel room for a day?
I still feel though, if you are determined to do this and you have every right to no matter what my opinion on it is - my opinion is you should not be doing it, but, if your determined to, I strongly suggest you look into parlour work as you will easily get a train from Neath to Swansea and there is a good parlour right by the train station, at the least please go with an agency where you will have to check in with them before and after each booking. I think you perhaps need a lot of guidance, I would deeply worry about you being out there alone with no backup at all.

You need to watch your pronunciation and spelling and cut down on the 'text' talk as well, especially if your bloody determined to go down the independent route as you will have to word you website, nobody will do that for you, it is very difficult at times to understand what your trying to say as you have no structure to your sentences, it is very confusing for a person to read.

I am not trying to be horrible to you Emily, I am just slightly exasperated with you as time and again you have been offered advice and words of wisdom from others on here far more in the know than I am and time and again you have come back and asked the same things, it's as if you ignore what is said to you completely.  ???

I am sorry but I will not buddy you as frankly, I do not think you should be doing this line of work until you mature a bit and I do not want to get in the situation where I am sat here worrying that you have not got back to me, knowing all the while, that everything I say to you, you either do not listen or ignore.

Please, again as I have said this before, give VERY CAREFUL consideration to what it is your wanting to do here as it's a tough world out there and you have got to have your wits about you in order to be safe, really Emily, I mean that.

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I am in as well...
« Reply #3 on: 06 October 2008, 10:54:57 pm »
Hey there im doing great at uni and i travel ok there and back i wont be doing incall only out call only .im going to do some research into the escort o palour work and phone them and ask doing busness and lesiure and torisum and am doing great thanks againg emily

Welsh Lass

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Re: I am in as well...
« Reply #4 on: 07 October 2008, 07:49:46 am »
Well, it's good your doing well at Uni.
If you have got a handle on the train/buses thing then you should have no problem getting yourself to outcalls.
Please do call around some agencies and see what they have to say.
Good luck to you.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I am in as well...
« Reply #5 on: 14 October 2008, 08:38:10 pm »
Hi Emily

I have responded to your previous post on the buddy system but I felt compelled to respond here also.  This forum is a source of advice and help and I would certainly not like you to feel I am being unfair, or that I am being horrible, but I will say things as I see them.  I have read through many of your posts as you seek help on many issues and there a few things that stand out. 

The first is that your posts seem quite random really, and not thought out questions or ideas??  For example - you switch from wanting to work for a parlour, an agency, or work as an independent escort as many times as I am changing my knickers in a day!!  All joking aside - I urge you to seriously consider which route you wish to take and to focus on that.  Narrow it down to one of those options then research it and work out how it will work for you.  This includes what you pay (if an agency, parlour or you need a driver) and whether the option you choose leaves you with an amount of money you are content with.  Weigh up the options - money vs security and saftey etc also.  If independant - a website is free to create but involves effort and input on your part.  It is time consuming, boring and downright frustrating at times as you set yrself up.  You create an image that guys will see and it is up to you what you wish to portray. 

It has been mentioned already about yr style of writing, I am not critisising this but think how you want guys to think of you and adapt how you write and communicate on the phone to this.  I have not spoken to you so the phone manner suggestion is an idea.  I read what you write and if I am honest I view you as someone who thinks it maybe fun to be an escort, make a lot of money and not a lot of hassle or effort.  This is so far from the truth I cant urge you enough to rethink things.  Those who are successful put a lot of work into it too.  This involves the initial set up - when I started i didnt have money for a fancy website and expensive pics.....  Are you prepared to write your site, as you wish to portray yourself, and check regularly that you are promoted on different sites??  (For example adultwork, if you save your profile each day you go back to the top of the page so guys see you first when they search??) 

I took advice and made a site from a free site.  It is not perfect but works for me, if independent then having your own site with yr own domain name (ie rather than a generic name ie suzysouthampton looks more professional and makes guys consider you as a genuine girl.  (I made up the address as an example -I cant remember what the original one was!)  It cost ?5 to make it the .com name I have for a year - good investment I think. 

My experience as an escort is only a year, not as long as some very respected ladies that I know, but I have learnt so much.  All I can urge you is to do the preperation properly and this will help you to start.  You seem very chaotic in yr approach and that is scary in this industry.  Take time, step back and plan what you want to achieve.  Then how you are going to get there. When you start it takes time to establish yourself and to get a good reputation.  Remember also that the world is a small place and a bad reputation can be well known too and damage you as an escort.  I dont know if you study full time or work part time and study??  But consider it like any job - customer servie skills and yr general manner are of great importance.  First impressions count.

Emily - good luck.  I know that many of your posts have had a lot of advice given freely and willingly and some of it you seem to ignore.  If you can swallow any negative thoughts you have when you read something that people may write that seems to be critical and actually read what they are saying it is good advice.  Whether a new girl writes it or someone more experienced.  Use it to your advantage, take it on board and add to your knowledge through your own research.  Being busy as you study doesnt wash Im afraid.  I work fulltime and escort in addition to this.  If you want it then you will put in the effort to set it up.  You will be pleasantly surprised if you do your best yourself and then ask others to help on the parts you are stuck on.  I am pleased to help someone if I see they have tried.  If they mailed me with a list of things I should research and get back to them then with the answers, or they did not put their own action into establishing themselves then I would not be so willing.

It is great you would like to buddy girls, I would suggest that you establish yourself for a while, and then consider this.  Being a buddy is a serious aspect of this life. Please note the difference between a buddy - a more experienced escort who will pass on the knowledge and info she has to help make your journey a safer one and elp you as you settle into the job, and a security buddy - someone who checks in and out with you at the start and end of a booking - with an action plan in place if unable to get hold of you or if the security system you have in place is activated. If you agree to security buddy someone and you dont hear from them and cant contact them then it is a very distressing place to be.  If they forgot to answer the  phone and you send the police as you are frantic you are being harmed - can they blame you if they do not stick to what you arranged???  excuses from a buddy such as "No credit, I fell asleep, I forgot, I thought it would be ok" are no use if tomorrows news is the death of the girl you agreed to check on.  I know that sounds dramatic but my point is to take a promise of security seriously, often an escort is reliant on a buddy as her life is secretive too.

Emily - please consider what I and others say carefully.  My main wish is that you see escorting as it is and not as easy money for doing not a lot (diary of a call girl seems good - but is like any tv programme- the tedious bits are left out, casualty for example? - you dont sit and watch people sat bored in the waiting room for hrs an moaning cos of the long wait!??  My point - its the bits that make good tv drama that make a good programme - not the crap and dull bits!)

Above all take care.  If being an escort is what you choose then please consider your options and focus on one route.  This forum will help you as much as you want to help yourself. If you dont want to put the work in then the reality is that being an escort will not happen for you.  Take care and plaese stay safe.  If anyone can help you once you decide then feel free to ask xx

Suzy x