Can I just remind everybody that whilst we obviously cannot control how you make your arrangements or what you get up to in your free time, SAAFE would strongly advise against posting details of any meeting venues, dates and times on the public board. Please do be careful who you pass these details on to even by PM - remember that there is no vetting process for people registering on this site and neither you nor we have any way of knowing who will be party to this informati0n, particularly if they, like most of you, are posting anonymously.
To everyone who is interested in attending a get-together of any kind, please do treat it as you would any other occasion when you are going to meet up with a stranger. Make sure somebody you know and trust knows where you are at all times, don't go overboard with the alcohol and do not give away any personal information about yourself. Not everybody who joins this board is a genuine sex worker, and even if they are, not all genuine sex workers are nice. At best you might be wondering why 'Naughty Natalie' hasn't turned up, not realising that 'Natalie' is in fact the bloke at the other end of the bar taking pictures of you all on his phone (and that's one of the less unpleasant possible scenarios).
We are planning a more comprehensive safety thread to Sticky at the top of this section as concern has already been expressed about newbies planning get togethers without any stringent vetting, but in the meantime folks, please keep your wits about you
