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Author Topic: new escort would like buddy  (Read 1218 times)


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new escort would like buddy
« on: 03 November 2011, 12:57:16 pm »
Hello , i'm Zara  new escort based in the  nw london area, also middlsex.

I'm looking for a buddy , i'm clarm, helpful , supportive, and trustworthy .

Enjoy the odd nites out ,  eating out,  gym , cooking, chilling , blah blah :P lol .

Anyway ,be good to know i  could share my experiences with someone from time to time , and also act as safety to each other.

Zara x

storm rose

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Re: new escort would like buddy
« Reply #1 on: 09 November 2011, 07:31:01 pm »
Hey, good evening, I joined not to long ago, I am a cool, down to earth mid 20's young woman who is interested in connecting with other ladies who step into "this world".
My non escort pals, though very cool, just do not truly understand the dynamics at play in relation to escorting and also they are all living the 2.4 lives...where as I am single, and a bit of a wanderer..I hope my words make sense.
No worries if you would rather not reply to my contact, but feel free to, I have been escorting on and off since the age of 20, I am now nearly 26 years old and "finally" have found my place in this world, I know what I am about ( this happens with age I suspect)..okay I am a bit of a witterer as you can see.
I enjoy dancing, art galleries, the gym (though have not been for six weeks, oh dear) though have made up for it with my twice a month dancing fun at my much loved retro raves.
I am discreet, in fact, my middle name, I am chatty, lively, but not over the top and in your face, I study part time(mature student) and am hoping to make it in the psychology field.
Okay, I have wittered on for far to long, hope to hear  back from you..oh I forgot to add, I am incredibly loyal in terms of "friends/buddies".
The Storm Rose Experience: And then she smiled.....